Barefooted commets

Discussion in 'Bare It! Nudism and Naturism' started by DejaVoo, May 22, 2004.

  1. DejaVoo

    DejaVoo stardust

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    Hey, what are some of the rude or stupid commets people have made about you when you go barefoot? it's weird that everyone tottaly notice you if you go barefoot, huh? I haven't gone barefoot alot, but i have recently and people tottaly notice! They're like "what? you're barefoot? " Its like, no duh. And my mom is always like "you're going to catch a fungus!" and just today i was wallking around barefoot at school and my friends were like 'wow you're just going to go barefoot? ew, you're going to step in mud and blah blah blah' haha weird.
  2. Sax_Machine

    Sax_Machine saxbend

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    Well recent ones I've had include:

    Mind the glass!

    You're walking to the pub barefoot? That's disgusting!

    You've got shoes, haven't you?

    Can't you afford shoes?

    Do you have a thing about not wearing shoes? (I just answered 'yes' to that one).

    What IS it with you and not wearing shoes?
  3. rain_in_summer

    rain_in_summer Member

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    "Do you never wear shoes?"

    "Why don't you wear shoes?"

    "Mommy, why's that girl there barefoot? Can I put my shoes of too?"

    "Ah! She's got naked feet!" (a little girl)

    "You'll catch something!"

    "Ever stepped into dogshit?"

    "You know it's dangerous, do you?"

    "Can't you afford shoes?"

    "Are you in a cult?"

    "Look that girl over there."


    "How weird!"

    When I'm riding the unicycle (which is impossible with shoes):

    "Have you lost your second wheel and your shoes?"

    And, what I find even more funny: A lot of people make remarks on me beng barfoot, but don't find it strange I'm riding the unicycle in the street whcih I for my part find a lot more unusual. Oh well.
  4. angel_wings

    angel_wings Member

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    I get the "what is it with you and not wearing shoes?" thing as well.

    Other than that, just "why aren't you wearing shoes?"

    Funny thing is, people in authority have always been very polite to me, like if I go in a shop and I'm barefoot, if they have a problem with it, they just come up to me and say very politely "I'm sorry, we have a policy here that customers must wear shoes," they're really apologetic and cuz i usually have a pair of flip-flops with me in my bag, i put them on.

    i think if they were arsey with me i'd fight them about it, but i'm not gonna pick an argument with someone who's going out of their way to be nice to me.
  5. shaggie

    shaggie Senior Member

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    If they're riding a regular bike, tell them that their front tire is going low in the back. :)
  6. rain_in_summer

    rain_in_summer Member

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    Hm, the only thing I've ever responded to "Have you lost your second wheel" asked by someone on a regular bike was: "Can you lend me one?" [​IMG]
  7. wastingthedawn

    wastingthedawn *~Pure Light~*

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    "That girl has no shoes..."
    "What happened to your shoes?"
    "Did you loose your shoes?"
    "Do you know you've forgetten your shoes?"
    "It's to cold for that honey..."
    "You're going to hurt your feet y'know..."

    Oh and I'm not sure what they were sayign but these kids walked on the other side of the road starring at me and my friends for a long time like 10 minutes of laughing and commenting to eachother quietly...I'm not sure how they fueled the conversation for so long...but it was funny anyway...

    I had no idea until I stopped wearing shoes how much people pay attention to eachothers feet...
  8. Starr

    Starr Member

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    I usually get the "damned hippy" comment from people...or just strange looks. They just dont know what theyre missing, wearing shoes and all, lol.
  9. Ocean Byrd

    Ocean Byrd Artificial Energy

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    "You must live close by..."
    "Your crazy."
    I've also been asked if I was a girl before because I was barefooting and my hair is shoulder length.

    That's about it.
  10. Sax_Machine

    Sax_Machine saxbend

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    Went to the union last night, had been barefoot all day. They decided not to let me in without shoes, even though i'd picked up my ticket barefoot and had been in there barefoot before. Seems the jobsworth security mob just saw me and decided to add an unwritten rule to their dress code policy. They didn't hide behind and false health or legal issues, but they were as stubborn as fuck so I had to go home and get some shoes in order to get in. As if that weren't enough for them, every single bouncer I walked past shouted out "Amazing! he's got shoes!" as I went back in. Put a bit of a dampener on my night, as did my headache. At least I hadn't paid for the ticket - it was a complimentary pass as I played in one of the union bars with the University Bigband las sunday. My ticket's valid for tonight but I probably won't go. It's crappy cheesy music tonight, not my sort of thing, so I might just give the union a miss and go straight to the lake where crowds will gather after the union for an all nighter on the grass.

    On a more positive note, a couple of comments made me chuckle lately. The other day I was on my way to visit a friend for a curry and I was walking along, I was barefoot as I have been all week, apart from last night, and I saw some glass on the pavement. Nothing particularly nasty, just lots of tiny little pieces from a shattered car window or something. So I thought what the hell and walked right through it, my feet were strong enough to handle it and it felt fine. Then I overheard a voice of a girl who presumably must have been looking out of the window at the time "Did you see him just walk through that glass with bare feet?!?!?!?". I felt rather smug when I heard that, don't know why.

    Also, today, I was heading onto campus barefoot as I've been doing almost every day for the last couple of weeks now, and there was a mother and a small child, and the child excitedly pointed out "That man's got no shoes!". His mother simply said "So?". That made me smile as well. :)
  11. shinta

    shinta Member

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    I went to a shop one day,and the lady said,next;can I help you young man?
  12. Ocean Byrd

    Ocean Byrd Artificial Energy

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    Heh, a presentor at my school once called upon me as a girl; I just went ahead and asked my question though, no need to make people feel uncomfortable...
  13. vnc

    vnc Member

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    i actually don't get negative comments. or they're said behind my back and in that case well. I just don't care :)

    i've been completely barefoot for somehting like... maybe 2-3 weeks now? i walked a lot and had a lot of very nice encounters of people just talking to me in the street. older people telling me stories on how they used to go barefoot and how nice it was, people telling me to watch out for glass ;) a girl in a grocery store told me that a glass bottle was broken at some place in the market that day, i thought that was nice :)

    oh, and i met my girlfriend because we were both b arefoot at a party!!! :)

  14. Ocean Byrd

    Ocean Byrd Artificial Energy

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    I just don't like the fact that so many people stare; just today I got at least 3 stares.
  15. HappyHaHaGirl

    HappyHaHaGirl *HipForums Princess*

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    I usually say that my feet were getting jealous of my hands. :)
  16. olhippie54

    olhippie54 Touch Of Grey Lifetime Supporter

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    Seems like where I come from barefoot in the summer is the norm.
  17. peacefuljeffrey

    peacefuljeffrey Senior Member

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    Tell your mom that the shoes she made for you (haha, get it, your FEET) are totally adequate to serve you for walking. Tell her YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET A FUNGUS. People get fungal infections because their feet spend time in the dark, warm, moist environment of their SHOES! Feet that are constantly aired-out do not give fungi a chance to flourish. Your mom is worried about folly.

    And so what if you step in some mud? People all over the world handle that no problem. We Americans simply don't like it because it's "dirty," but if you get over that, and realize the fact that you can always wash it off, it's nothing. Feet are waterproof and washable. The benefits of feeling the world touch your feet are well worth having to wash them off later on. Just get a vegetable brush and keep it in the shower. You'll find that there's an added bonus -- the tickling feeling of scrubbing them to get them clean is also a pleasure! :D

    Check out for information on how GOOD going barefoot is. Have your mom read the site with you. It'll dispel a lot of the myths she's probably suffering from. With a greater understanding that you're not in grave danger, chances are she'll lighten up on you. All she wants, probably, is to make sure you're safe.

  18. PuZuZu

    PuZuZu Member

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    how can you people hate the comments and stares when going barefoot? I enjoy it immensely. Why? Because people NOTICE! That's the whole point of starting something.... people NOTICE and then they FOLLOW. they might not follow the next day or week but when they get challenged or interested in barefooters they'll think, "Oh yeah, some hippy i saw a couple _____'s ago was barefooted, they seemed to enjoy it!" and probably be inspired to do it!

    So feel proud you are causing attention, fuck the bad comments! they are just scared of different things! BE PROUD!:D
  19. Sax_Machine

    Sax_Machine saxbend

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    that may be what you're all about, and that's all fine and great, but for myself, and I'm sure I'm not alone, I just go barefoot because I want to go barefoot, not because I want to attract attention, or make a statement or be different. Far from it, what I want most of all is to be able to go barefoot AND to blend in at the same time and carry on as if everything's normal. As far as I'm concerned barefoot is normal, and other people need to sit up and realise that too.
  20. freeinalaska

    freeinalaska Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    My wife and I don't so much get comments but stares, or glares. Most come from other women and are probably more directed at my wifes braless tits and hairy pits than our bare feet. I say let them stare.

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