how do you guys handle the warm pavement? Do you like it? As for me I love the warmth under my bare soles as I walk in the hot concrete pavements.
if it's just warm, there's really nothing to handle. if it's hot, i either stick to the grass or try to walk on the white or yellow lines.
If it’s too hot I try to find shaded areas. Can be very painful if there’s no shade or grass to walk on, but it does toughen up your feet. Warm rather than hot pavement is great
When I first started barefooting, I scorched the bottoms of my feet before I realized how hot it was. Walked across black pavement.
Warm / Hot pavements make my soles filthy black in no time at all. Sweaty feet in warm weather attracts the dirt. - love the warm weather.
Am I strange in the fact that i much prefer cold pavement to warm? For me, nothing beats early autumn pavement when it's raining.
Not at all Kate. Personally my favourite surface are the cool crunchy autumn leaves which cover the forest cool mud paths with a colourful carpet.