Barefoot Skating can be okay, if the surface isn't blazing hot and you don't wreck or have a near miss. I haven't in so long it would be stupid for me to try it now. Even with shoes on!
yeah SkaterDater is from 60's, long but really cool. I did some of that in late 60's and 70's but if I tried it now instead of being out for an hours or so it would be a week, the old bod just doesn't heal like it did back then LOL
Ya.......when the temp gets in the high 90s, even the white cement in the parks gets pretty intolerable, but laying back into the wave with nothing but shorts on is still my door to tranquility.
It sounds crazy to me. You don't even need to be travelling fast for rough concrete to tear your skin down to the bone. Wearing a canvas boot that covers your shinbone is always a good idea. I did my medical studies when skateboarding was at the height of its popularity and we saw some horrendous injuries from very minor falls. I have no problems with people who enjoy walking around with bare feet, but skateboarding and using a lawnmower make me cringe.
I'm contemplating getting into skateboarding at this point in my life. Seems natural for someone like me.
Barefoot skateboarding!!! Just the thought of it makes me squeamish! Imagine if you had a bad spill, you could shred the skin off your toes so easily! Ow ow ow! I love my feet too much to even try. Foot injuries take so long to heal as well. If you are good enough to do that, then much respect!
any time I went down with a skateboard, it wasn't the feet that got hurt.. usually arms, ribs, hands, knees, or shins. just sayin'
Most of the old school skateboarders skated when the surf was bad. Concrete surfing was the next best thing. My sons say I should surf cause they think I’m going to get broken. It’s too far to Cocoa Beach from here.