Barefoot Pleasure

Discussion in 'Barefoot' started by Barefoot Scott, Dec 23, 2023.

  1. Barefoot Scott

    Barefoot Scott Members

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    I sure do enjoy reading/hearing people's descriptions of their sensations (smooth, rocky, hot, cold, paved, muddy, grassy etc) while going barefoot. That's the basic joy of going outdoors barefoot: to FEEL the environment as it alters step after bare-soled step. Otherwise, why bother (yes, all the natural mode of sheer walking) to pursue it as relentlessly as we do? IT FEELS GREAT!!
    Barefoot Rick likes this.
  2. Barefoot Rick

    Barefoot Rick I love my dirty bare feet

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    It’s one of the greatest pleasure I get when walking around barefoot in all types of weather and Terrain
  3. Barefoot Scott

    Barefoot Scott Members

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    You get sexually aroused, yes?? I sure as fuck do.
  4. Barefoot Rick

    Barefoot Rick I love my dirty bare feet

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    Yes I do just like you
  5. BarefootBiGuy

    BarefootBiGuy Members

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    Just about to leave for my usual 10km barefoot weekend walk! I so look forward to this even although I am barefoot most of the week.

    My walk today will be a combination of footpaths and grass and take me along a city riverfront. The range of surfaces are great and certainly feels great.

    And yes, I do find it sexually arousing! I have always found going barefoot and always will find it has a turn on factor!
  6. Barefoot Scott

    Barefoot Scott Members

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    You cum after a barefoot walk? I love it.
  7. BarefootBiGuy

    BarefootBiGuy Members

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    It is not uncommon! ;)
  8. Barefoot Scott

    Barefoot Scott Members

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    Even nicer is getting it sucked off!
  9. Barefoot Scout

    Barefoot Scout Members

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    I absolutely adore mud. It's like Earth itself giving your bare feet a tight, loving hug! It is an ecstatic, almost orgasmic experience, as the bare soil makes love to your naked soles, with squishy mud oozing between your toes!

    And just like the peasants from many hundreds or even thousands of years ago, a barefoot lad gleefully sets out to partake in a primeval rite,the exposed skin of his feet moist from the sweat of excitement and dew-drenched grass; his feet finally free from the hard and unnatural city pavements, rid from the grasp of smelly stockings and high-tech sneaker footbeds made from artificial materials, as they set out to lurch into the alluring loam which so seductively entices the boy's feet to sink into it... The shameless nakedness of bare feet, the perfection of their contours and the gaps between their playful, fidgety toes, now all indulgently caressed by the ground's very own earthly blessings!

    A simple pleasure that was known to the ancient shepherd boys whose blood flows through our veins to this day reveals itself in its full glory, the very notion of footwear reduced to nothing but a distant memory, as all of the many years the boy's growing, curious feet spent languishing in the most abhorrent of cages are erased from existence by a mere moment of the bare feet's inexorable triumph! Of course, all of this was just the first step - there are so many, many more of these yet to come as the muddy, freshly ploughed fields beckon to be marked by the countless unmistakably recognizable footprints that bare soles deign to bestow upon the farmland! Mother Earth shall reward her dearest child for remorselessly renouncing the false religion of footwear by cuddling his naked tootsies, as her beloved cub gladly wallows in sticky clay!

    The balls of the cheerful lad's bare feet slide across the slick muddy surface as he wades across the muddy wonderland, leaving behind tracks like brushstrokes on a canvas. Ten unshod toes dig into the sodden ground as if they were plowshares, squeezing the dirt which has begun to adorn the boy's feet like an odd pair of stockings, weighing more heavily than a pair of steel-toed boots, yet ones which he can so easily dismiss merely by swiftly flicking his feet... The boy's bare feet dive deep down into the wet muck, disappearing beneath the surface of the brown soil - yet, a pair of bare feet is soon to be resurrected as the young lad lifts them up in the air like a ballet dancer, flinging a flurry of muddy clumps as they are kicked from his mischievous toes, wiggling ever so happily... all while the barefoot Boy Scout giggles just as if he happened to be a giddy little tyke who got to enjoy splishing and splashing in puddles of rainwater while wearing a pair of gumboots!

    Parading across the countryside, the boy's bare feet soon encouter a novel treat - a pile of animal excrement! Maybe it would be a soft cowpat left behind by wandering livestock, or perhaps a wild fox or doe could have produced a smattering of droppings as an offering to the majesty of the boy's bare feet... whatever the case might be, the boy's feet bravely take a step forward, flattening the manure without a modicum of hesitation! And just like his bare feet eagerly marched down a muddy path few would dare to even in a pair of gumboots, this lad is more than willing to let his nude feet feel the fresh dung underneath their soles - a childish joy only known to the select few!

    Perhaps some other young lad, a fellow farm boy, shall soon tread alongside this testament of barefooted revelry, wondering what kindred spirit might have celebrated their barefootedness with such flagrant debauchery, prancing like a frolicsome satyr! And perhaps he, too, shall be overcome by the irresistable urge to promptly discard the wicked shoes and socks which have held his feet hostage for so long, and to leave his footwear to rot and return to the ground it should have never left in the first place - sneakers forever abandoned where they last stood, never to once again feel the warmth of the wonderful feet they once reigned over, the presence of which awful foot coverings were never worthy of witnessing in the first place; a pair of patterned socks plunging into the depths of a muddy quagmire with the boy's very next step as he deems his accursed stockings too insignificant to ever bother with taking off, for the ground itself is more than willing to pull them off of his feet and drag them into a muddy grave where they shall linger for all eternity!

    Tempted by the sight of the many prints an unknown friend made with his nude feet, this new and obedient disciple shall also make his way down the same trail, literally following in the footsteps of his predecessor, a keen acolyte contributing his own set of footprints wherever a pristine patch of mud might present itself - a young lad courting his unseen lover, his bashful, barefoot beau - as sounds of squelching emanate from the gooey mud underfoot! Once the boy gazes upon the manure flattened by his forebear, he will know where his next adventure awaits - and grin from ear to ear, as if he were an impish little kid begging his daddy to ruffle his hair!
    Barefoot Rick likes this.
  10. Barefoot Rick

    Barefoot Rick I love my dirty bare feet

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    I went to Walmart this morning to pick up a few things and yes I was barefoot the temperature was 26 degrees and the blacktop felt so good being so cold and the floor in Walmart felt even better it was really cold and the looks that I was getting was like he must be crazy or on drugs. I got so use to those looks that is doesn’t bug me at all or when they ask me why am I barefoot in the winter time. And my bare feet did not get dirty at all I was hoping they would but no .
  11. Barefoot Scott

    Barefoot Scott Members

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    Cold ground feels fucking incredible on bare soles!
    Barefoot Rick likes this.

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