Has anyone attended prom or homecoming (or any school dance) barefoot? When I went I saw many people (mainly girls) walking around barefoot. And also, if how many people are usually barefoot at these events?
yeah, girls always go barefoot at dances. they wear these ridiculous high heels or other crazy awkward shoes that nobody could actually dance in, so as soon as they get into the dance they have to take them off. i don't specifically remember going barefoot at any dance myself, but then i really have no idea what i wore to any school dance.
Girls have it good when it comes to bare feet. All they have to do is kick 'em off, instantly barefoot. It might look strange to some with a guy dressed up in a tux minus the shoes and socks.
Why not? At least i would think this is not a boring guy, something speacial. Anyway, i've danced with barefoot men at a number of festivals etc., and it always was fun.
Never went to any dances or prom stuff in high school, but in middle school I did. I would often get barefoot for them, even though I was incredibly nervous about it, as it was "weird", in the eyes of some. I was always jealous of the girls who could kick off their shoes and do as they pleased, as I envied that. But eventually I realized, "Hey, if they can do it, why can't I?", and that solved that matter c:
This is the real reason why I started going barefoot too. Very jealous of girls in bare feet, so I decided I'm not going to deny myself of this pleasure any longer. My shoes n socks, off they went......
You know it dude. For the longest time before I had the courage to do it, it was just agonizing. I wanted to free my toes and soles so bad, but I was afraid. But then you reach a point of just throwing caution (and your socks) to the wind, and going for it. It's so very satisfying to take those first steps barefoot, and feel so very satisfied with it
Yes. When my niece got married, I showed up in a good suit and tie with polished black SHOES. My brother-in-law, who basically had almost never seen me except in shorts and bare feet, actually did a double take when I walked in. He couldn't believe it was me. I also think he was rather relieved. Maybe he thought I'd show up in blue jeans and love beads. (Which probably would be appropriate for some weddings!)
I dont know how strong high heels are, how they are constructed but it seems to me you could just break them, oh my heel came lose, broke off cant wear these things, broken. Not fair, is much toughter for guys, no idea how could I break a pair of mens dress shoes? No idea
It's such a convention event and so many of the students are among the most popular. You're not only dealing with rules, but also with peer pressure. Pick another school event. This brings up a point that on a previous thread quite a while ago the question was raised of whether people were trying to convert others into going barefoot. Some of the respondents indicated a live and let live attitude, however if you try to convert people, you may not get a convert but you do get tolerance toward people who are barefoot.
no way. since i was a toddler, no matter where i was, if the shoes bothered me, they went flying off. never cared who was around, if anyone said anything id just say why are you even looking at my feet in the first place, eyes up here mister lol. yeah. shoes are cages