Badger Vs Hedgehog

Discussion in 'Pets and Animals' started by MrChuffy, Sep 10, 2015.

  1. MrChuffy

    MrChuffy Members

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    Well I totally love my animal friends....and like many people I leave a few scraps out for the little Hoggies to help fatten em up for the winter months....But last night I was watching telly in my room when I heard this awful screeching sound...something I'd never heard before and never wanna hear again.....Anyhow I went rushing out to the front garden and there was a massive badger biting chucks out of a poor little hedgehog....sadly by the time I got there it was too late to save the little hog......I know its natures will but I just broke down in tears cos it was very upsetting to see ....I didn't sleep at all last night cos I was so upset......So just be warned if you are feeding our little animal friends...then it might just attract the bigger boys and its got me worried now bout the badger attacking my cats....So I probably won't sleep again today......Any ideas how I might be able to keep the badger from the garden...without hurting him/her...Any smells or scents they don't like........Thank you.
  2. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Damn, a badger taking on a hedgehog? I thought those prickly pins would keep them save from pretty much any other animal with teeth. Maybe he really asked for it? :p jk!
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  4. MrChuffy

    MrChuffy Members

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    Yeah thats what I thought as well...But he was sure tucking in......It was like something outta a zombie film....Not nice...but I guess they gotta eat as well.
  5. MrChuffy

    MrChuffy Members

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    Well I'll try anything....No matter how bad the smell .....Thank you :)
  6. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    I keep a CO2 BB pistol near the door because we get raccoons and possums in the south, badgers and bobcats in the north. All of them angling for our trash and pet food. I don't fill it with BBs, the sound is enough to instantly drive them away.

    The one thing I like about badgers is that when they are angry and ready to tear into you, they make an obvious sound, hostile growling. Raccoons make this odd whimpering sound, like a wounded dog, just before they attack you. It's totally confusing. And Raccoons have hands to grab you and tear into you with their hideously sharp teeth. Don't mess with them. They only LOOK cute and cuddly.

    Also, rabies changes the game entirely with animals. You'll hear every noise the critter can make and they will attack anything. So you may want to have a real gun handy if you see a lot of wildlife. Just in case.
  7. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    Ammonia works, but stinks. Feed stores and hardware stores out in the sticks sell granulated predator scents to keep rabbits and deer out of gardens. If your back yard has traces of fox or worse, the smaller mammals will go all the way around.

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