This has now kicked in,starting off in Somerset and Gloucstershire. Oppose this awful act.
You think thats bad, out here the blame Bison for Brucillosis in cattle, though its never been proven transmission has ever occurred. They shoot Bison that wander from their designated range, and all this after they damn near extincted all the Bison in the west at the turn of the last century. fucking shameful What do Team badger suggest that isn't going to take ten years to see if it works or not?
Our government, the Con,libs...would rather see the badger killed, than to help the farmers vacinate the cows! The badger is such a small reason for TB...but hey, lets forget that.. They cant kill the fox go after the badger...yeah, give em something to do with their guns! u
Oh ... but they can. Shooting foxes is still permissible. Flushing with one or two hounds in order to shoot is still permissible. And full blown hunting with a pack of hounds is still permissible provided a bird of prey rather than the hounds themselves is used for the actual kill (eagle owls and golden eagles being the most commonly used birds of prey ... )
holy shit! Here in the US golden eagles were only recently removed from the endangered species list but are still protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA)and the Bald and Golden Eagle Act (Eagle Act ), no one is allowed to fuck with them at all, let alone use them for a badger hunt
As I said,just let ME turn the tables on these evil hunt scum.Pay back time.
Interesting to see that one of the Gloucestershire landowners at the heart of the cull is John Yorke of Forthampton. He is the son of noted British Buddhist (and, at various times, associate of both Aleister Crowley and the Dalai lama !) Gerald Yorke. It would appear he hasn't inherited his father's principles.
Watched Countryfile tonight and a farmer was interviewed.He says that even if a vacine was found for cattle,the culling of badgers should continue. You just can't win.