Well Since Your Profile Doesn't Tell Me Wether Your Male Or Female Or All Points In Between I Can't Really Comment, BUT......If You Are Male And Wearing Little High Heels Then I Would Like To Redirect You To A Much Loved Squirrel Who Can Advise You On All Aspects Of Your Lifestyle...... Cheers Glen.
Bacon and coffee They are the two things that I dont give a shit if they are bad for me, imma having them Pretty strict with everything else, hardly really eat anything anyway. But bacon and coffee oh my god yum
You bet! Bacon for breakfast, bacon for lunch, bacon for dinner and bacon for brunch, with a Perrier, please
Bacon is not unhealthy unless you overcook it or fry it in nasty vegetable oils. There's lots of healthy fat in quality bacon that comes from a clean source. I eat about 2 lbs of it a week.
I just got two boiled eggs, some cottage cheese and some strawberries from the work kitchen and I am kicking myself for not ordering bacon instead of all of that now...
grease smells better then it tastes. always. of course you CAN boil bacon. i have. its not bad that way really. with lentils and onions and a little yellow curry powder.
unless you happen to be the pig it comes from. there are these good and bad cholesterols, and how the bad ones clog up your arteries and all that. but those extra days you might have lived longer are probably ones you wouldn't have enjoyed anyway. at least that's what somebody told me. i've noticed carring about that seems to have again fallen out of fassion. probably because fassion never uses a fine enough scalple to get it right. i also still thing we're too closely related to pigs, with the result that eating pork is too close to canabalism, with all the health risks that come from that. not saying bakon or pork chops are poisinous. of course they're not. it is one of those statistical things though, and one of those statistically increased health risks are the human form of spongiform enciphalitis. what's called mad cow in bovines and i forget, alzhiemers or something like that, in humans.
i do eat bacon, and other forms of pig meat. just not very often. maybe once every two or three months. they taste ok, but i don't trust them. i eat bacon like products from other sources too, like turkey bacon and vegitarian bacon look, if not taste, alikes. but i really don't eat them very often either. i'll stick to hamburger and noodles, or fish and vegies, that sort of thing. roast beast and so on. all of which, undoubtedly entail some sort of health risks. as does living itself. still we can to some degree, choose more or less of them.] even if we are denied the opportunity, of avoiding them entirely. its not a religious thing for me. the damd stuff isn't all that cheap either.
the bacon industry is doing what the milk industry did a couple of decades ago not that there's anything wrong with bacon, but jeez its really being pushed on the masses
i was wondering what was supposed to be so special about it. i don't currently have nor need nor want a television, so i haven't kept up with current advertising trends.