Hubby pointed me to this article, today. I've read it and looked at the videos. I agree with the points on the videos that look like forgery. What do you think about the videos? Sheriff's probe finds Obama birth certificate 'fake'
I don'r get the big deal about a 'Birth Certificate' - after all, it;s not that the owner of such had much choice in the matter It is because that it was fraudulently presented? I think of a lot worse things, like an Arrogant Dictatorial leader who advocates Violent response to free speech, the isolation of peoples, and with a much more dubious history of character
Why it matters is that Obama can be impeached because of this. What would be the consequences of Obama's impeachment?
so what now, obama symbolically forfeits the last 8 years of wins like a college football team that was caught cheating?
Here is more coverage on the investigation. More
For the good of the country it's time that this is swept under the rug. It is a very big deal but it does no good providing proof now. Trump will overturn what he can but no need to cause chaos on top of fact that stuff that trump does might be all the chaos that this country can handle for a while.
I get the Impeachment thing but, it's a bit late in the day - whilst no one is above the law - it seems be it a Sports, Pop or TV/Film star or Presidential /World leader the greater the pedestal that they stand upon - the easier it becomes for a target to be - and to what end? - Sensationalism? Profit? or a more cynical reason?
i have no idea what all he signed, but it seems like there must be things in there that can't possibly just suddenly be gone. you can't just instantly cancel 8 years of government; some things just won't go back.
Which goes with my chaos theory. I wonder if Trump admitting that Obama was a citizen has anything to do with that. Actually I expect that it has something to do with it.
who really gives a shit what that backwoods bigoted moron thinks!? Fuck Him! Ya know, before ya go and start giving credence to bullshit, maybe it would help if you considered the source.
It's an idiotic issue that was designed from the beginning to go nowhere. I would not be surprised if Obama was not born in the US since we are lied to about everything else. At the same time it's irrelevant in light of so many more important issues. To me, this is one of those things that the media wanted to come out because it creates controversy. It creates polarization. Mostly it is just a big distraction away from other things that matter.
Oh its that guy? Yeah i wouldnt really trust him as a valid source on this, i seriously doubt he is above twisting his forensics knowledge to suit his own political agenda.
Reminds me of the first book published about the Bermuda Triangle. The people wrote and copyrighted the book, rented a few low rent apartments in the Miami area and made local calls to everyone asking them if they knew anything about the Bermuda Triangle and, of course, they all said, "The What?" They published the book and it made millions even though half the ships listed in it as sinking in the Bermuda Triangle sank in the pacific and several were not even on any ships registry in the world. Last I knew the same people had published nine books on the subject. Ooooh, a real sheriff says its a fake! Is his name Andy Griffith?
I actually looked at this whole "birther" thing in depth going back to the time when it first broke, which I believe was back around 2008 or 09. The thing is, with the resources the government has at their disposal, you think they could have released a birth certificate that at least appeared to look real, or rather not forged. They could have easily produced a birth certificate that did not appear to be forged. And I agree, it is obvious that what was released appears to be forged, but could it be that is what they wanted in order to create hype and controversy, and to label anyone that called that document out as a forgery as a "racist" who hates Obama just because he is black? The media controls the narrative on every major issue that gains any degree of publicity, so I think it's possible this whole birther issue was brought to attention deliberately in the first place. I really think it's the same psychological technique that is being used with this ongoing #Pizzagate controversy.