ohh man I cant believe I mad it out on top 2 guys were fighting over my sister just drunken assholes good think I was looking out for my sister we were talking to these group of guys well my sis was I was just sitting back and keeping my sister safe I saw a couple guys put something in the beers and then offered it to my sister I pulled her aside and said don't fucking drink that shit I had a great time - everything ells first night we were walking my sisters friends back too there car and the guy puked all over himself I couldn't stop laughing glad it wasn't me lol I've been up for almost 2 days
Woodtick.. I thought it said Woodstock. Why was it a shit show? Is it because of those guys you mentioned in the opening post?
it just was nothing but horn dog dudes trying to get in your pants drinking after drinking I was with a group of people in there camper I was doing nothing but smoking everyone ells was snorting some shit fuck that
The observer in the back caught on camera without posing. That's how i often appear on such pics as well :-D