Sultry, sexy, classy, smart, sassy. She could light up a screen with her presence. That generation is disappearing before our eyes...
Nothing like those stars from the 40s. Hedy Lamarr, Linda Darnell, Liz Taylor and many others that I can't think of right now. I was in LOOOOOOVE with Margaret O'Brian. She was (is?) about my age. Who was the one in Snake Pit---man she was a beauty!!.
Olivia deHavilland is the one you mean I think...... There was something about those old Hollywood stars from that epoch...when I was about 12 I fell madly in love with Ingrid Bergman I think I had pretty good taste even back then... Goddesses of the silver screen. With each one as they die off we loose another living link to a past thats all but faded away. End of the final reel.