Son # 2 is anxiously awaiting his first . His woman was due on the 24th, but she's still working! We haven't had a new born in the family for 12 years. We're all pretty excited for the little one. It will be a surprise---they haven't wanted to know ----------OH BOY!!!!!!-Joel Son is 36 and she is 34--never thought they'd take "the step."
It's amazing how much more interesting a new baby gets when it is of a close relative (instead of those of all the other people you know )
congratulations! when I first read the thread title, I imagined a baby on a jet ski... "I'll be ready..."
Thanks Blu3slady. My ex was riding around town in Lincoln City, Oregon on her bike just before our first. Had him at home and he was our mid wifes' FIRST BREACH!! Scary, but it worked out. This little gem will be born in the hospital in a birthing room.
Thanks---me too. We had all three at home. The others were uneventful compared to the breach. Guess son # 2 doesn't want to take the chance on a home birth.
I can understand that...if something happens, it will take at least a few minutes for the paramedics to arrive. Not worth the risk, in my opinion.
I find it nothing less than astounding your wife had 3 children at home....and one was a breech if I got that right?! :yikes: I wanted IV drugs directly in the neck if they would have. I chose not to get the epidural and am glad I didn't. That being said...a whiff or 2 of something good wouldn't have hurt anything at that point. They would not give me anything!!! :cuss: I am unable to express how delighted I am that your grandchild is being born in a hospital. granpa
I really admire that . Hospitals have an agenda, and if you can avoid that, it's great!! Nothing against the traditional hospital birth, but props on props to the home birthers out there. Congratulations to you, grandpa Joel . Any cool names picked out for the baby to be?
Congrats with the new baby, don't forget to let us know when the little chicken arrives... Can we have a bet on what it will be? I say boy, about 8lb... I love babies