baby beating the tar outta my bladder...

Discussion in 'Parenting' started by mynameiskc, Aug 31, 2005.

  1. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    i don't know how she does it, but sometimes she really gets a hold of it and makes me pee a little. i haven't had any infections or anything, and i go often. but she just plan HURTS me sometimes. has anyone else had this problem? anyone have a recommendation for something to wear to save me some inconvenience and embarassment...bearing in mind that my manly man husband has to pick it up for me at the store....
  2. feministhippy

    feministhippy Member

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    Sounds pleasant. I don't know hot to get her to stop (if there is a way), but you could wear a menstrual pad. That way nobody has to know when she does.
  3. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    yeah, i'm gonna have to. this is making me crazy.
  4. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    didn't i hear that always or someone is making pads for jsut this thing? it's kinda funny, but i don't wanna be seen buying poise or depends. that's just too obvious.
  5. annabegins

    annabegins Member

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    buy those super night-time pads, theyll hold alot
  6. Earthy Mama

    Earthy Mama Feel my wrath... ;)

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    everytime I'm pregnant towards the end of it I have this problem. You mean you'll just be standing there and opps all of a sudden you make a quick movement, baby will move and a little pee will leak? Try using pantyliners. They are thin and don't feel really uncomfortable like a big pad would. They are made for accidental leakage and that kind of stuff. I have yet to find natural pantyliners(that aren't disposable) but I'm sure they are out there(if your looking for that route). If your hubby is being kind of shy about feminine things you can always order stuff offline from a online drugstore like,
  7. Maggie Sugar

    Maggie Sugar Senior Member

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    Yeah, what anna said. Wear a pad. My second one was a bladder kicker. I actually, once (blush) went to the hospital, because I thought my bag broke. The doc did that "fern test" and said, "Nope, your bag is intact. The baby kicked you in the bladder hard enough to knock the urine out of it." OMG, I was SO embarrssed, not only at peeing myself, but at going to the hospital thinking I had a bag break. (FTR, I have actually NEVER had a premature rupture of membranes, my bag stays intact until the last minute.)

    I think it is usually the individual baby, how she is lying ect. ONLY my dd, Moon did this to me.

    KC, do tell your doctor or midwife if it is happening a lot. Some womyn lose bladder tone, and actually can have lifelong problems with bladder leakage. So KEGAL and make sure it is just the baby and not your body.

    I empathise, mama.
  8. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    i've been real good with the kegels, no doubt about that. i've also figured out that those belly supports help maneuver my baby off my bladder when she gets ornery. i SWEAR she's trying to get out through my urethra! the trouble mainly seems to be when i'm laying down, she really gets some leverage somehow, so i put on the support and it makes her change her activities.
  9. hippychickmommy

    hippychickmommy Sugar and Spice

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    Heheheh, kind of reminds me when I was pregnant with my twins. Now bear in mind, my bladder has been shot for years anyhow, but pregnancy made it worse.

    One day when I was around 20 weeks pregnant, I was getting down into the floor to tie my oldest son's shoes and all of a sudden I had this major trickling sensation, and my pants became wet. Now this might sound weird, but I tried to smell what it was that had leaked, and it didn't smell like anything (thanks to the loads of water I drank everyday!) and I knew that if my water had broken, it should have a kind of sweet scent. So anyhow, just to be on the safe side because I was a high risk pregnancy, I called my OB. Well, of course he wanted me to go straight to the hospital for them to check and see if my water had broken (I was a panic-stricken mess when told that!) but luckily they found with the test that what I was "leaking" ended up in fact being urine.

    Eh, I was a little embarassed, and the doctor there teased me about stocking up on Depends but I was so relieved that it was only pee! ;)
  10. hippychickmommy

    hippychickmommy Sugar and Spice

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    Oh, and I used to swear that my babies used my bladder for a trampoline! *lol*
  11. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    oh, she's vicious!!! it's not so much bouncing as an intensely centered, focused pressure, like she's grabbed a hold of it and is squeezing the hell out of it. sometimes, though, i can see her feet on one side of my belly, and her head or hands on the other, and she's STRETCHING as hard as she can. i'm thinking she considers the accomodations a bit cramped...but the best is when she's got her hands and feet on my spine, and her butt at my belly button...i can pat her butt then.
  12. JazzMama

    JazzMama Member

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    My boy does funky things to my cervix! I think he has his hand up top of his head sometimes and gets all feely and grabby. It is the STRANGEST sensation! Pretty durn uncomfortable too! I only have about 6 weeks left though, yay!
  13. FunkyPhreshMama

    FunkyPhreshMama Visitor

    Zion loves the bladder. I swear to god he can grab it and jiggle it around. I have to pee alllllllllllllllllllll the time, i couldnt sleep the last two months because everytime I wold doze off I had to pee. LOL
  14. mynameiskc

    mynameiskc way to go noogs!

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    i get up at least 6 times every night. good thing the little rascal is keeping me up anyway.

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