Hi friends, I am a scientist who has also explored extensively with Ayahuasca. I am very interested in sharing Ayahuasca knowledge and experiences with you, as i have full intention of continuing my journeys and explorations. To start our discussion, I made a 2-part video which addresses critical facts and concerns about Ayahuasca vision quests and the overall experience. I have covered the following critical facts to the best of my ability as there is so much controversy and mis-information out there. So please make sure you watch both the parts. 1) Who/what is Ayahuasca? 2) How does Ayahuasca work? 3) Is Ayahuasca for everyone? 4) The role of a Shaman/Ayahuascuero? 5) Should you take Ayahuasca alone or without support? 6) How does Ayahuasca heal? 7) Negative or side effects of Ayahuasca? ****The whole MAOI/MOAI was a bit of a tongue-twister for me! I have seen both the abbreviations being used when describing monoamine oxidase inhibitor. The official abbreviation though for monoamine oxidase inhibitor is MOAI. .**** Please share your knowledge, insights, comments, warnings, hesitations and thoughts - through words or your own videos - so that i can deepen my understanding also. Thank you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kdSF7iC1ic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5rItHRlkTk
It's M ono A mine O xidase I nhibitor. This is an important distinction because there are 2 types of Monamine Oxidase (MAO) which can be inhibited, MAO-A and MAO-B, each having different sets of duration of inhibition and safety concerns. There are several drugs, food, etc. Which interact with one MAO but not the other. With Ayahuasca, MAO-A is inhibited. This is also important info to mention for those who use MAOI's for Pharmahuasca or to potentiate Mushrooms.
Thank you so much for this clarification. I am making a follow-up Ayahuasca video soon - in the next 2-3 weeks - and will mention this information, with credits to you. Will send you the link to it also.
Sounds good! I don't know if you take requests but I would appreciate it if you can address any pre-ceremonial activities, diets or restrictions thereof. I am curious if preparation varies according to region and if you feel any behavioral changes gets your mind in an appropriate space to embrace ayahuasca. I am interested in hearing about your DMT experiences as well.
Yes, I do take requests. And my next few videos are basically answering people's questions on Ayahuasca and psychedelics in general, plus also the things I learnt myself after putting my videos out to public. I made another video which offers the 5 important tips for those seeking Aya journey. This may interest you as a starting point. i will go in a lot more depth in my upcoming videos. Im trying to present the information in bits and pieces so that it is easy to digest. Also so that it incorporates all the things i myself learnt along the way. Thank you for your support! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bnev-qEfP9U