Awesome: The God Shaped Brain

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by ginalee14, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    Timothy R. Jennings, M.D. is a board certified psychiatrist, master psychopharmacologist, lecturer, international speaker and author. Dr. Jennings was voted one of America's Top Psychiatrists by the Consumer's Research Counsel of America in 2008, 2010, 2011, and 2012. Dr. Jennings is a Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, President-Elect of the Tennessee Psychiatric Association, and Chair of the Board of Regents of the Southern Psychiatric Association, and is in private practice in Chattanooga, Tennessee. His lectures and written material can be found at his website
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  2. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    Thanks for providing this. Atheists and conservative Christians be warned: the good doctor is presenting the thesis that how we think about God affects our mental health and even the wiring of our brains. Christian traditionalists may be shocked that Jennings thinks that belief in a punitive God is psychologically harmful and theologically unsound. As I've often said, religion can be a mind-crippling disease. Atheists will be apalled that he draws on neuro-science to butress a kind of feel-good psychology rooted in his own Seventh Day Adventist faith. I agree with him that God is love, and that that is the essence of sound Christian belief, but this puts him in the minority camp of Progressive Christian heretics like me, who will reject his literalist views about creation. In sum, I really liked his presentation, because I agree with his views, but I would add that they're just his opinion and mine.
  3. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    I can get with Jesus and the four gospels but Christianity is just too heavy for me really.I mean theists will say the bible is the divinely revealed word of God but I just don't buy that.I'm not anti-Christian,my best female friend is deeply into it,I mean she actually prays for me and is a lovely person.I suppose philosophically I tend towards being multi-faith,and believe in spiritual manna,but orthodox religion embarrasses me.I dabble with Buddhism and like Krsna consciousness,but I really have kind of invented my own religion that works for me,without being megalomaniacal about it.I could go on,but I'll spare you my bullshit.
  4. relaxxx

    relaxxx Senior Member

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    I'm sure it's a fine lesson in how ignorance is bliss. It's such a loving Godly world that humans had to develop elaborate coping mechanisms of believing their own lies just to live with themselves. To the point where even a graduate with degree in psychology can be staggeringly delusional. He's just squirting with "TRUTH" out of every orifice, but he's right. If you want to be happy you gobble that "TRUTH" up like tasty gravy, yum yum.
  5. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    One thing I can say for sure is that he speaks better than you do. He doesn't talk with macaroni in his mouth like you did.
  6. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    "We have power with our beliefs over our body, but our bodies have power over what we believe." Alas, the time is ripe for the
    anti-christ. David Hume, the philosopher, does well to explain the anti-christ; we need no scepticism (like from the Jihad).

    From cause to effect CAN BE certain for the improving truths of empirical psychology. Love, freedom, good medicine will give us the unified clearness of thought; and probability for factually true knowledge shall be, YES, directly within the human body, the perfect human body. So it's like Spinoza ripe independent of the world which is only studied by scientists. We can run; OR we can hide at once. THe best devil is Man; but such as science harmonizes the better devil may be even God.

    We can wait fruitfully. There will be no love anyway to share. Too much responsibility for Man. Good ones; all of it.
  7. relaxxx

    relaxxx Senior Member

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    Macaroni, no, he's too full of shit.
  8. aesthetic

    aesthetic Z

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    His unsound intelligence disproves faith; this doesn't mean I should not have faith.

    47:30 minutes.

    48:44 minutes

    This guy is sketch. I dont give a fuck how smart people think he is.
  9. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    It's the question; why is there evil in the world? It was encouraged from the affirmation about the negative being in the world in the first place.

    Human beings for the trust they have for each other cannot trust, or better put, love God less. They just are not as good as Him. Take it now that we as these humans truly are not wicked. Instead we are non-believers, and being thus condemned has to cover for the wickedness. That was the arrogant man who cannot explain the evil out of God's hands but in the devil.

    Wealth made us stupid. Classes made us stupid. In that case it is just as well the stupidity which, becoming allowed by God: really is a benevolent act. She really can't help it. And that was the woman's good advice. :army:
  10. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    When you want to find a problem with something, you will. When you've prejudged and are pre-determined, you get the results you're looking for. Why not explain why you think he's "sketch"?

    Curious question: what do you think of his level of achievements?
  11. aesthetic

    aesthetic Z

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    I have not necessarily discredited his reasoning nor his credentials I am just at a cause of disbelief in his moral objectification.

    You cannot and hearsay, I protest; the intolerance of religion. One cannot speak for the populace on grounds of religion being healthy or not as it's a psychosomatic effect of continuity and interpretation. There is no way in hell someone can just disregard the entire structure of faith as a symptom of misdirected negative energy.
    48:44 minutes. He continues to say "when you understand god as the *Inserts perception of god here* way I understand god."

    This man speaks about not putting faith into religion.
    But putting faith into his perception of god, and trusting that hes smart enough to know the truth of one of the most controversial subjects known to man.

    He speaks well, and points out some real important questions and even answers some directly. But he is not a man of god, he is a man of science and reasoning, he is not my teacher.
  12. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I watched and kept wanting to ask him what about ticks.....?....and he was hard to listen to after awhile....and almost put me to hypnotic trances of believing here, though.
  13. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    What moral objectification?
  14. aesthetic

    aesthetic Z

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    I was essentially talking about god.
  15. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    Prepare for an onslaught of absolute disjointed randomness ...

    The anagram of moral is molar.

    Teeth are a symbol for truth.

    Wisdom teeth are no indication of wisdom, go figure.

    Teeth and nail beds are the only square shapes on the human body.


    Look up the ternal family of words. They're fascinating. I'll start you off: paternal, maternal, internal, external, eternal (there's more).

    God is a word.

    God takes the teeth of a liar, one of my favorite truths.

    Be weary of they with false teeth. They'll talk your ear off and try to gum you to death.

    Apparently, that's a joke.

    I like Space Aliens


    Maybe God is neuroplasticity.

    Clouds are symbolic of Heaven.

    The anagram of cloud is could.

    And now, for some TV on The Radio ...



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  16. aesthetic

    aesthetic Z

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    Well Played.

  17. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    First of all, isn't the following video just another bit of propaganda? Well I'm going to invest the two hours and watch it. Then make my notes here.
  18. aesthetic

    aesthetic Z

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    i.e. Deduction suggests life is repetition.


    God created the big bang, gods just a term, because; hes within.
  19. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    A bunch of thoughts after watching the 2 hour video ...

    So the video ends by featuring Faith, Religion, the Quran, and Mohammad, Islam's messenger. Technically, that video is a form of propaganda, too.

    Faith is the highest form of trust. Trust means, something you rely on with a feeling of security, assurance. Notice how all of those words are also financial terms. For peace of mind, purchase life insurance for security! Get yourself a trust fund. In God we trust. Also notice the phonetic sounds of prophet and profit. This brings us to value and worth.

    Another word for science is knowledge. A mind is structured and formed by information (to say the least). But people's minds can be conformed (brainwashed) and badly deformed (of which, being uninformed or misinformed can cause a deformed mind). Now consider genius. Genuis is a source of knowledge. Knowledge is value and worth, though there is knowledge that is detrimental and destructive (not worth knowing). Genius and genesis are two closely related words from what I call the "gen" family of words. Some religions think they are the true religion, the chosen ones, the chosen people. What they're really saying though is that they are a specific genesis of people. I don't think there should be competition or battle. I wish I was Jewish but I'm not. Even if someone said "Islam is the true religion!" I'd still wanna be Jewish.

    Mohammad and Christ are certainly not two in the same but, where are today's messengers from God? Where are today's prophets? I think Gregg Braden is a genius, a prophet and a messenger. But it's hard to see him like that, especially outside of an organized religion, right? I think it is a great God test, God question and God proof: where are today's prophets and messengers? And Holy texts (divine knowledge)? Does Humanity even have the ability to recognize them?

    If God is active in today's world there certainly must be current prophets and messengers (especially considering the chronic crisis state the world has been in, as we have transformed to globalization). We are already primed and ready for unity / oneness. Now, we, Humanity, just need to be set straight and matters made simplified and clarified.

    Chaos, and order. War, and peace. Health, and epidemic deadly diseases. Wealth, and poverty. Structure, and collapse. etc., etc..

    World leaders! Science's leaders! People are always going on about how the Universe began but...

    Nobody ever talks about how the Universe is going to end. We already know how, Peter told us. God's gonna set the Universe on fire. This means that there cannot be a multi-verse or multiple universes because if there were .. and if God was going to set the Universe on fire ... which one? And what will happen to all the rest of them?

    Here is scientists' version of the Heat Death of the Universe

    And here is the Bible's: 2 Peter 3:10

    I want to find out what the Quran says about the end of the Universe.

    As for Intelligent Design, some things are not created (like, God itself). That can only mean that that which springs from God is automatically intelligent by default. That would mean that atoms and proteins and DNA and all the elements in the Universe automatically know what to do. Inherent intelligence. Self-assembly.

    I still think that God was dreaming of a frying pan, and was dreaming of being hungry. Then retained those desires and continued to dream, and continued to desire. All those thoughts and thinking and dreaming ...

    I can hear someone say "But how did God know how to be hungry or what being hungry even was?!"

    The answer is, God is hungry. Duh.

    Salvation and salivation are two closely related words.
  20. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    but there is no "god shape". of a brain or anything else. there is no "god shape" of a god.

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