So it is said from the front bench of Government - However - Police to sue government unless it backs down over cuts We are getting to the stage when all Public services are coming to the point of reliance of Private sector partnerships - which are unreliable, inadequate and quite often dangerous In regard to the Security and Enforcement of Justice, the Policing aspect is taken for granted. Only direct action - or should that be 'non-action' taken will show how thin the Blue line is. - although by that time for many it will be too late and vigilante rule will be a lot more practised It is a worrying thought
austerity is dumb and self defeating. but over? i'm waiting for the fat lady to sing, but i'm not holding my breath until she does. (oh wait you're talking about the uk, i didn't see that. since i'm not over there, my generic comment is unlikely to directly relate) its the way the indexing of forums is set up, that i don't always see where something that inspires me to reply, is coming from or in relation to.
Private to Public debt ratio in the UK is roughly 3:1 At the risk of sounding like a commie, you cant really have an economy almost solely dependant on how well the banks are doing, how much money they are making on lending. It only works in times of growth 3:1, Anything to do with Public debt, anti-austerity measures is only going to tackle 1/4 of the problem Austerity is bullshit. Public Private partnerships are just about always about short term savings, when in the long term you have those profits on the private end just getting syphoned off overseas. Government spending, on government employees simply means more money is likely to stay in the same country But you need anti-austerity thinking with private debt, mortgages, credit cards etc and private sector as well. Shouldnt really be legal to be able to charge more than 10% on a credit card The actual definition of austerity is "difficult economic conditions created by government measures to reduce public expenditure". Private sector version of that would be difficult economic conditions created by government or private sector measures to reduce household expenditure....household expenditure mainly being rent/mortgage, car loans, credit card debt More disposable income means more private spending not bank related, its that simple. Tackling that though isnt, you want to tackle housing prices, mortgage repayments, the easiest quickest way would be to force everybody not working out of the cities especially old people...which starts to sound commie....but that is really just what a large chunk of what you are paying for is, all the retired babyboomers that dont want to give up their inner city apartment, dont spend a hundred pounds a week at the local cafes, or are sitting on an investment property charging a ridiculous rent to a young hard working family that will never be able to afford their own home unless their parents are said cashed up babyboomers
Interesting points Vanilla, As a Public sector worker having pays rises over the last 6 years that amount to 6% when over the same period the cost of living rising 25% plus makes life difficult and any thought of early retirement not a viable. On top of this the reduction of staff coupled with the demands of requirement increasing to a level sees service provision - to the people - reaching a low that is decreasing and for those of us with sense of pride = depressing In regard to your other point, re: City workers living in the city would reduce carbon footprint (which is good) - and - Older people able to spend their latter years relaxing in the Country (which is nice )
I think austerity will only be over if we get a Labour government. The Tories believe in a small state and a big private sector.
Through the years I've seen my wages stall, cost of living rise. Been told that we've got to bail out the Banks - yet public funding's cut. Austerity will be over in a period that has greatly over-run it's target date. And now when told Austerity is over, continue to be restricted on wages whilst expansion on expectation is demanded. When a service becomes a business - then it is the public that suffer. At least with a Labour Government whilst National debt may rise, Public services may get a most needed boost And, when Br-exit comes to fruition, the reliance of the British worker will become more important, though by that time, the skills/knowledge required and capacity to deliver will be lacking, and once again service provision unattainable
I'm middle class. My parents were middle class Tories. I've been doing a working class job for several years. Never voted Tory in my life, and I'm now a Labour party member. Maybe I should be fighting myself.
Whilst tongue in cheek, how accurate this seems to be = courtesy of "The Mash Report" TV programme from 02/11/18 The phrase "Many a true word spoken in jest" comes to mind - but there is nothing funny about the reality of the observational comment.
Only when the reality of the downward spiral of public service is realised will there be a reaction and the consequences hit home. I.E. A major disaster:- Caused by a Security breech such as a terrorist' attack, (because there is no one to gather intelligence) No Fire appliances available to attend the scene in time (because there is insufficient resources to repair and replace 'old stock') Ambulance coming under attack (for they have no Police staff to protect) as they try to tend the injured Before taking them to the nearest hospital that is 50 miles away (because many have been closed) And no resources for the PTSD treatment that arises following such. Far fetched? - it seems many of the lessons that should have been learned from the Westminister attack in 2017 are still to be reviewed, analysed and acted upon, and probably still on the library shelf ..... that is either 'not open today' or worse closed
"That's the way" it's always been - what is more worrying is the apathy of those who could make a difference - at the polls, however, ever since 'that bloody women', the emphasis has been more on the 'me', and away from the 'we', and sadly the decimation of the 'Hippie spirit' has seen a reluctance by the populous to 'Get up, Stand up' - still, "Persistence is never futile"
Would you guys prefer to loose our Moorlands ? what do you want there Coal mines ?? CAP boost for moorland Two sides to every Spin !
I see that report was Published 25 April 2014 - this one from June 2018 Future of the common agricultural policy gives a more updated view - that being said, as it was produced by the European Commission, post Br-exit, I don't think anything can be assured As for Coal mines ... I'd prefer Solar farms and/or wind turbines
Remember-ing, Remember-ing the a scene of Oration and explosive reminder that "People shouldn't be afraid of their Governments - Governments should be afraid of their people"