I have been thinking about these two events lately. I have watched all the documentaries on these events and I definitely think there is something fishy.. in the official story, has there ever been an official "motive" for either one?
Like all similar events, there are huge holes in the official stories of both. I've gotten to the point where I don't really believe anything as it's told, because it's usually a lie. I mean, we can go back to the most notorious school massacre of all-time, which, aside from the more recent Sandy Hook, is Columbine, where numerous people reported seeing people other than Harris and Klebold firing semi-automatic weapons. To this day it hasn't been explained how two people were able to sneak over 100 pipe bombs into the school, as well as bombs that were made out of propane tanks. Yet this stuff always seems to fall down the memory hole, and anyone who questions it is deemed a "conspiracy theorist." Even if these mass shootings aren't staged, and I have my doubts that they're not, they absolutely play into the hands of the people in control, who so desperately want to disarm the public. Also, I have found that the people who are most quick to dismiss any notion of a conspiracy are the ones who haven't even looked at all the evidence. They simply have blind faith that they're being told the truth and that anyone who questions the official version of events is nuts.
There are many holes in the stories and the subjects, which are Adam Lanza and James Holmes..I just dont buy that those guys could do that kind of carnage, at least not without proper training..
lunacy, yes, but the forces creating that lunacy are far from random. anyone might find themselves committing or having committed such horrendous acts. such is the acceptance of the dominant culture of the sources of stress and the romantacization of aggressiveness that leads to them. of course that doesn't cut the actual perpetrator any slack, and i'm not suggesting that it should. but if we actually give a dam about preventing such things, we need to look a little deeper, then thinking punishing the criminals who commit them will suffice to do so.
Something can be called a theory when there is absolutely no evidence to support it. The moment you have one thing even if that one thing can not explain everything it stops being a theory and begins to be a possibility. There is certainly holes in the official story of these shootings. In my opinion scopolamine is a possibility for the shooter's behavior. It is know that the CIA has used to as a mind control device. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scopolamine
Got this off a website..... In the Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises" there is a scene where the word 'AURORA' shows in bright RED LETTERS on a tall building. There is a second scene where they are looking at a map where a major crime is expected to happen. Someone then points to the map where the expected crime is going to occur...and puts his fingers right under the words 'Sandy Hook'. The global evil running this planet are known to often telegraph their plans in advance... a smug and arrogant mocking laugh at the helpless, hapless sheep. Is such an act? Or just a coincidence? Hotwater
Your right Hotwater. The elite enjoy putting these things in obvious places and knowing that most will not see. This is why they consider these people unworthy of the truth, they are too stupid for it. It is sort of like a test they are failing.
I find many things about sandy hook to be very suspicious. The fact that a mentally ill 16 year old has better shooting accuracy than a marine (27 deaths and no injuries). How they demolished the school and all the workers were required to sign confidentiality agreements. And Robbie Parker. That's only skimming the top of a whole batch of loopholes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=733i4_4500s"]The Simpsons & Lone Gunman Predict 9-11 Months Prior - YouTube
Anyone remember the footage from a chopper where the cops chase two unknowns into the woods right next to the school, one supposedly carrying a rifle of some sort, ending in their apprehension? The footage also showed Cops putting them into a Police Car. I kept waiting to hear any info on those two, seems they disappeared. Then shortly after SH, word popped up that the fathers of the two kids who committed SH and Batman shootings, were connected via an ongoing investigation/Trial overseas about some financial crime? Just some of the bits and pieces I recall. I'm more inclined to believe "False Flag event" than what we were fed by the media. Both increased "Gun Control" publicity 100x with Executive orders being signed like autographs!
I do remember the father of John Holmes worked for the FICO company which computes credit scores. I did not know the fathers were connected, I am not even sure if I know anything about Adam Lanzas Father..
In the news today, Nancy Lanza's estate is valued at $64K http://www.newstimes.com/news/article/Court-records-Nancy-Lanza-s-estate-worth-about-5253424.php
I have been doing a lot of research into Sandy Hook lately. It seems like much of the conspiratorial evidence surrounding this event was deliberately planted. What's weird is that there is not a shred of physical evdience that has been presented to the public that would indicate there was even victims. Not a shred of footage or photographic evidence can be found of them brining wounded or dead children from the school. The only emergency vehicles present that day were located at the neighboring firehouse. All the chopper footage shows is a bunch of people standing outside of the school doing nothing. As hard to believe as it might be, there is good reason for people to question whether what we were told happened really happened at all.