My '84 Camaro was called Attitude... I actually had that in big gold gothic lettering on the rear window. With a skull... Cop magnet!
I was being cocky one time and a guy pulled a gun on me downtown in my hometown. Let's just say my attitude underwent a rather large change , as did my immediate location.
My first response was a joke. The attitude I give out is a direct result of the attitude I'm given. If someone is nice to me they get the nice side back. If they are a dick then watch out!!! Fortunately, I'm nice MOST of the time.
I'm usually nice to everyone. If they treat me poorly, I remain neutral. They are usually acting like that for attention or to get some sort of reaction out of you. No use in feeding their anger, if that is what you are talking about. I'm not clear on what you mean by attitude.
So is this bumper sticker: :bobby: I had an old Ventura years ago that was primer black, souped up a bit, and it had a Harley Davidson sticker in the back window. I suppose that car, and my long hair (at the time) was the reason I was followed by cops a few times. -------------------------------------------------- Some of my attitudes have been changing with time. But some may never change.