Anyone care to discuss the downside of smoking Mary~Jane?...The occasional paranoia,ensuing anxiety...The problems of having to go to dangerous parts of town or fix up with shady characters to score...You get my drift?
If I have to go to shady town. I dont get high first. kinda helps being more alert in areas like that.. get home and get high..
Yeah...I agree.If I have to go and score I have to be super straight.Also I can't handle being stoned in busy urban centres with hoods looking on at me and shit like that.
the other day I was on Woods Run and there was a dead guy in the road.. but this happened in Carnegie too a week ago, but this dead guy I seen.. , Oh look a dead guy.. They just fall out the bar, drunk , dead..
this is the funniest thing.. I just started going over the woods run area. the very first time ,. oh look a dead guy..