Im curious , For people who enjoy writing, does good spelling and grammar come naturally. Writing Has never been a strong skill of min. stupid learning disabilites, I still remember my grade 9 government standardization exam marks from 20 years ago... reading comprehension was university level, with with grade 3 written skills, I received some special ed help after that test lol... Anyways, I Was recently interveiwed for a position working for the department of transportation. (Commercial vehicle and accident Inspections) I've been told my ability to communicate and write clearly is the only thing preventing my hire. Its a police force specialist position requiring pricicely written reports for court cases etc. Sounds like quite the interesting job, but there's plenty other work out there.
Spelling and grammar have always driven me bananas. After mastering the Tao Te Ching I discovered the reason why is because the English language actually has two grammars and not one. All those fucking English teachers that I was convinced didn't know what the hell they were talking about, and who gave lower grades for refusing to lay along with their bullshit, have turned out to be dead wrong according to even the scientific evidence. Taoists say its the simple shit that always get you, but when everything is wrong the begin with, including the tools you use, having to reinvent the wheel all the time gets old! Over the last several decades, I've been forced to completely reinvent the English language, laws of thought, laws of physics, and even information theory and thermodynamics! Frankly, it just pisses me off. I decided people were nuts when I was three years old, but had no clue just how much work it would require to make sense out of all the bullshit!
It doesn't come naturally for me, but it is like nails-on-a-chalkboard for me when I see poor grammar and spelling. Sometimes it's an honest mistake and I can let it slide. But sometimes it's people not giving a shit. I think it is funny how pissed off people get about immigrants coming to the US and speaking their native language: "This is 'Murica! We speak English!" And yet, plenty of adult English-speaking Americans misuse "to," "too," and "two," and "there," "their," and "they're," and "who" and "whom," and have no idea what an Oxford comma is, don't know the difference between using "or" or "nor," and let the terrorists win by using words like "literally" incorrectly. They also end sentences with prepositions and think "irregardless" is a word. I love you, girl, but you mean It's so illogical... This is like a drug for me...
I know the difference, I just dont care. I'm a stickler for good grammar in all situations but I get a bit relaxed about punctuation when chatting on the internet But yeah, people who say things like "i done done it" are exactly the type to complain about immigrants not being fluent their first day in the US
I love to write, but spelling and grammar doesn’t come naturally for me. I think it comes from reading a lot, and learning that way.
Spelling and grammar do not come naturally to me, but I do try and use them correctly when I can, or as best as I can for the situation. When your sentence structure and spelling are poor, it majorly detracts from your message, especially when you are writing something on a professional level. Come to think of it, even when people have poor grammar or writing skills on here, I tend to just skip over what they write. I don't have time or the desire to struggle through unreadable writing, as unfortunate as that may be.
"Hey, slow down, the speed limit is 35 miles pan-our" "Get rid of those cassette tapes and get you some comback discs" ......actually heard people say these things......
There's a file going around that's as old as the days of dial-up bulletin boards, DOS and WordPerfect. The file is about 2/3 of a page and every word is spelled incorrectly. When you load it into a word processor that has spell checking, every word on the page is flagged. The gag is to add each misspelled word to the user dictionary. It takes a little while, so it's not a quick prank. Only after hours. The effect is that the spell checker is nearly rendered useless. Your coworker suddenly looks like he barely finished high school. On paper.
i dont like if ppls rite like this cuzz i cant read it good and they wont use a period or comma and cant tell if its one big sentence or lots of little ones and stuff like wtf and ffs and smh dont help none cuzz i gotta stop and think about it and dont even get me started about misspelling