On Tuesday, after news broke that American Atheists had lost their booth at the conservative festival, Bozell said the group is devoted to "to the hatred of God." http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/brent-bozell-american-atheists-devoted-to-the-hatred-of-god
Yeah, but... atheists got in trouble (lost their booth at the conservative festival). I gotta find out why.
Okay... American Atheists are actually on a rescue and liberate mission, or something like that. http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2014/02/25/atheists-plan-conservative-outreach-with-booth-at-cpac/ Why they got in trouble: "Meghan Snyder, a spokeswoman for CPAC, said in a statement to CNN that “American Atheists misrepresented itself about their willingness to engage in positive dialogue and work together to promote limited government.”" http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2014/...ot-allow-atheists-at-conservative-conference/
Sure. They're still atheists, and they still got in trouble. I hope they learn from it and strive for maturation and greater professionalism. Pull the positive from the negative, turn it into a learning experience, etc., etc..
Are you serious? The outcome was probably predictable. If the atheists tried to set up a booth at the Southern Baptist Convention, I'm sure they'd have received the same reception. In my state, conservative=Republican=evangelical Christian. It's not clear to me that it was the atheists who were exhibiting immaturity and lack of professionalism.
Did you read the links? They had a place at the conference but ruined it for themselves. The goal of the conference: " ... engage in positive dialogue and work together to promote limited government.”" But here's what American Atheists wanted to do: "The atheist institution, which is well known for its controversial billboards and media campaigns, informed CNN of its inclusion on Monday night, and a representative from CPAC confirmed that the group will have a booth at the annual national gathering of conservative leaders and activists in March. American Atheists hopes to use the forum to tap into the conservative movement and bring conservative atheists “out of the closet.” So, yeah... I hope they learn and grow from it. If they want a "seat at the table" (booth at the conference) then they have to adhere to the focus of the conference, not use it as a rescue mission.
Why do atheists need a booth anyway? I don't believe in three-headed flying monkeys, but you don't see me getting a booth at a festival.
I find this worthwhile since atheism has been coopted by public education fanatics. Likewise the Reps being coopted by redneck Christers.