Atheist Gospel Music

Discussion in 'Agnosticism and Atheism' started by Sax_Machine, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. Sax_Machine

    Sax_Machine saxbend

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    I've not posted in this section before. I tend to use this sigt mainly for the barefoot forum as I tend to feel the same way about shoes as I do about religion, but I thought I'd share with you some Atheist Gospel Music - I've been workin on this week. :)

    Science It Works Bitches :"]Atheist Gospel Music - Science It Works Bitches feat. MCs Richard Dawkins and Jesse Pinkman - YouTube
  2. neodude1212

    neodude1212 Senior Member

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    Well, it's rather lacking as both music and comedy.
    The Gospel sermon part was particularly bizarre. It's like a weird combination of attempting to emulate the classic, loud Southern preacher with trying to keep your voice down because you were afraid someone was going to hear you.

    Next time you see one of those polls that rank atheists as one of the least liked demographic groups and are wondering why, just watch your video.
  3. Sax_Machine

    Sax_Machine saxbend

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    Hi. Thanks for the honest feedback. As it happens I was keepig my voice down because a) I didn't want to clip the mic on the camera at such close range and b) I needed to be able to hear the low level click I had just audible to avoid the use of headphones but quiet enough to be masked by the rest of the track.

    Anyway it was just meant to be a bit of fun.

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