At which temperature do I look better? At -30°C ( -22°F) At -22°C ( -8°F) At -8°C (+18°F) At -3°C ( +27°F) At 0°C ( +32°F)
Can't decide between -30C and -8C. You obviously are quite the looker (no homo)! Did you use alcohol to help you keep warm in one of those pics?
This question somehow reminded me of biology and how differently things might look for example on a molecular level when subjected to heat or cold; for example H2O as water ice or steam. Anyway, I think the negative temperature make you look too husky. With fewer layers you look thinner. I'm not the chick in my avatar by the way...
I was sober in all of the pictures. Besides, it would be dangerious not to be sober at -30°C. It is very serious cold.
It seems like there are several temperate weather and hot weather pictures missing. I can't decide with this limited set.
I assume you mean Total Darkness : ) Anyway this thread made me giggle. You look better slimmer, as most have already said. But a mind that would decide to make a thread about what temperature they look best at... that mind is the important bit.