Asymmetric Temporal Memory

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by wooleeheron, Aug 29, 2019.

  1. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    This is one of those discoveries I'll have to think about a bit. The laws of physics as we currently know them could fit on a T-shirt and, with the single exception of the second law of thermodynamics, imply physical process should all work equally well both forwards and backwards. In other words, crap can theoretically roll uphill as easily as down, but the second law of thermodynamics implies it doesn't because it would make no fucking sense. However, here we have an alternative explanation that is possible, that we perceive the arrow of time merely because, without reliable memories, everything is deja vu all over again! The arrow of time in their experiment, seems to require the ability to form reliable memories.

    Reality is a memory, as well as, something to be experienced, and God is playing peek-a-boo.

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