Asylum Seeker Protests

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Melanie_86, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. Melanie_86

    Melanie_86 Member

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    For the last two weekends, mobs of the usual rent-a-crowds have been blocking the streets of Sydney over the treatment of so called asylum seekers here in Australia. These typical leftist noise makers want us to open our doors and let all come in freely no questions asked. Their theory is we're a big country with plenty of room and it is the humane thing to do.

    While they are right on the last point, they are missing several other outstanding issues. Firstly, these people are not genuine refugees and their queue jumping is denying genuine refugees sitting in squalid camps a place to come here. I said these people were not genuine and I can qualify that by saying, if you have $10,000 plus, to pay people smugglers to come here after transiting to Indonesia at the cost of an air fare, then throw away your papers; you are hardly in a position to claim refugee status are you.

    My next point I detest about these protesters, is that you never see them marching down the street for better treatment of our tens of thousands of homeless and the relative poverty so many of our elderly and disabled are living in. Where these idiots find the gall to do this is beyond me. They claim our governments are being racist and the people of Australia are xenophobic, I would suggest then they do not live in the same suburbs many of these so called 'asylum seekers' live in. If they did, they would not be so vocal with their twisted ideas.
  2. odonII

    odonII O

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    Have these typical leftist noise makers got a website?
  3. EL Tuna

    EL Tuna Member

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    LMFAO... Rent-a-crowd's. Group of tards that chant and march but have no idea why?? lol
    They carry dry erase boards and markers, If not another rain forest die's.
  4. wobs

    wobs Senior Member

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    love you melxx
  5. Melanie_86

    Melanie_86 Member

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    If they do Odon, I don't know the name of it. I would presume they organise through social media.

    El Tuna, I did think my explanation was quite straight forward. And no, they didn't carry white boards ...........

    Wobs.... Lol :)
  6. odonII

    odonII O

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    Who are some of the high profile members/supporters - I might be able to work from that.
  7. Melanie_86

    Melanie_86 Member

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  8. odonII

    odonII O

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    *tries to work out who is being 'hardline'*
  9. Melanie_86

    Melanie_86 Member

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    beats me... most of them, if for example you look at their page on facebook, rant about US aggression. They say nothing at all about the Islamist terrorism that is causing the issues in the first place
  10. odonII

    odonII O

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    I was including YOU too.

    *wonders what 'Islamist terrorism that is causing the issues in the first place' means in this discussion.*

    I just wanted some more information to form some sort of opinion...
  11. Mike Suicide

    Mike Suicide Sweet and Tender Hooligan

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    Do they have to pay to $10,000 up front? Or do they have to work it off as slave labor when they arrive? Thats what happens a lot in this country.
  12. odonII

    odonII O

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    Source? Do you mean asylum seekers? Or Migrants?
  13. Mike Suicide

    Mike Suicide Sweet and Tender Hooligan

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    I guess anyone how pays someone to be smuggled into the country.

    Can't think of a source, the only time it comes out in the news is when there's a big bust, like a house full of women forced into prostitution by the russians or the mexicans. I personally know people forced into slave work to pay off their debts to smugglers and gangs.
  14. odonII

    odonII O

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    I understand what you mean now. You don't need a source. I had something else going on in my head.
  15. Melanie_86

    Melanie_86 Member

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    They arrive in Indonesia as regular passengers on commercial flights, generally direct from their country of origin or through Pakistan. They pay for that like anyone else. When they are in Indonesia, a network of contacts arranges passage for them on leaky old fishing boats and they head for Christmas Island. They pay up front. That is my point, these people are not genuine refugees, they are what we call 'economic' refugees just seeking to hop to another country. They not only endanger their own lives, but that of kids and women on these journeys, many have died already. If they have that money, why not just fly direct to Australia anyway? They don't because they know that if they come by boat, our lame border protection laws as they were (its been changed only a week ago) said that we must process them.
    Odon, I am not being hardline, simply being truthful. There is a difference
  16. Resistance isn't futile

    Resistance isn't futile Member

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    Well if you ask me. There should be no such things as borders.
    Borders create slavery
  17. odonII

    odonII O

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    I don't really know yet.

    I would imagine there are some asylum seekers who genuinely do travel over on crowded boats, and don't take commercial flights.
    Perhaps some are forced over to pay off debts and are nothing more than 'trafficked'.
    I get a little wary when people say: 'they' and not something like 'a large proportion' also when people say: 'These typical leftist noise makers want us to open our doors and let all come in freely no questions asked. '

    I'm just curious.
  18. odonII

    odonII O

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    Never a very smart thing to say.


    Did anybody ask you?
  19. Melanie_86

    Melanie_86 Member

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    What has borders to do with slavery???

    There may well be a small handful of genuine asylum seekers that take those perilous journeys, but again I ask the question, why take the risk if you are genuine. Just fly here like normal people do and ask for asylum when you arrive. That is perfectly legal to do. The only trafficking, is that being done by the smugglers and their trade filthy trade, preying on the desperate to make a fast buck.

    I have no time for people who make a noise about one issue, claiming they are speaking up for a cause; when these same groups don't put the effort in to speak up for those of their own community. Do you know who does the most charitable work here for the homeless? Charity groups who have to rely on handouts. You will find these same groups at these protests chaining themselves to the gates of a local swimming pool because the council refused to set aside a special day for muslim women (yes they did that) and they will be the same people chanting hate against a farmer who wants to move his stock to the abattoirs . People have a right to protest, god knows I've been in my share of them; but for heaven's sake don't be a damned hypocrite.
  20. odonII

    odonII O

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    Not everybody has the funds to take a flight.
    I guess the point is to know how many follow a nefarious course to seek asylum and the No.s of those that do not.
    If the majority do take nefarious means and the minority don't - that is an issue.
    Simply knowing that some do isn't enough to assume the majority do.
    Unless you know something I don't - which would not be hard.
    Some people obviously take the view that all the 'boat people' are not trying to take the piss.
    Most protest groups take one end of the argument.
    I don't think there is anything new there.
    Perhaps the group you highlight are 'fighting' against the idea of 'send them all home'.
    Are you kinda the middle ground?

    'I have no time for people who make a noise about one issue, claiming they are speaking up for a cause; when these same groups don't put the effort in to speak up for those of their own community.'

    This doesn't sound right to me. They MUST speak about their own community and must NOT speak about an issue they are passionate about?

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