It is entirely meaningless. It is an ancient attempt at understanding things before the facts were known about the true size and scope of galaxies, etc. If you were viewing the stars from another solar system, they would be arranged in entirely different shapes. That is not a fish in the sky. This is not a troll post. It is a fact post.
No, it's a correct post. Are you going to respond with words that aren't even in the dictionary, when I'm quoting facts?
So basically you are saying nothing... There's a post that everyone should read. It's not even the only source, but it's a good starting point. My answer to every response to this thread is.... read that site.... and if you have more questions.... pick up an ASTRONOMY (not astrology) book Does anyone out there really think that's a fish in the sky? You know that those two stars that look like they are next to each other are actually very far apart in distance right, and if viewed from a different angle, might be on completely different ends of the sky.
It is still in every newspaper and every online dating profile has "zodiac sign" on the bio page. So, why do people even talk about it? And if no one cared, it wouldn't have a whole section devoted to it on this forum. Is my "opinion" on the matter the absolute truth. Yes. Just as 1 + 1 = 2. It does not equal 3 and anyone who thinks it does is wrong. Why not have "the Earth is flat" forum?
You are correct in that statement. However, astrology beliefs are based off a natal chart that shows where the heavenly bodies were at the moment you were born...So, you're position in the universe would be accounted for.
My position in the Universe is..... Universe --> Laniakea supercluster (Virgo supercluster) --> local group --> Milky Way --> our solar system --> Earth This hasn't changed in billions of years. And regardless, it does not mean that the position of celestial bodies has any reflection on my personality traits.
How does it make sense? No mental health professional would agree that celestial bodies have any reflection on a person's personality. Can't find "zodiac signs" in there.
You might want to read some about Astropsychology. This book, written by a PhD.
Not sure how many people would agree with that guy. Probably 99% of doctors would not, including all of them that wrote the DSM-V. Our personalities exist only in the molecules of our brain, and what is going on in outer space has nothing to do with it. The only way the "celestial bodies" affect reproduction is that more people are born in the spring, and more people get sick in the cold months, meaning that more people that are pregnant during those months have viral infections that can affect their fetus. Astrology is not even a real thing. It is just false. Just a false as the world is flat. Just as false as 6^2 = 5502
Also, I edited the title of your topic so that I didn't have to delete the thread. We don't allow trollish behavior.