Astral Projection, INSAIN EXPERIANCE

Discussion in 'Yoga and Meditation' started by mircuser, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. mircuser

    mircuser Member

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    So latley i had some spicey foods, gave me huge ulcer in the back of my mouth near my molers, i felt a dangeling peice of skin, so i pealed it down, unfrotinitly it didnt peal off and just bled badly, now these past 3 weeks im int he most excrutiating pain i had ever experianced in my life.

    So i realize when i sleep i dont feel pain...... im learning how to self meditate, when i reach the astral plain all pain disapates. Yesterday i had an effective and very clear prospective of the meditation state i was in, probably one of the best ones i ever had. I actualy saw my body lying exactly where i was in my house...seeing everything, exacty how it was when i was awake...i heard music, and heard a couple of faint voices witch i would call, "GUIDES" they were telling me what might controll me as i heard, "Demon entitys were near". I gave it some time, shit kind of got hay wire as my main goal was to figure out how to maintain a fully concious state (beeing awake) and under go pain without feeling it, like i was when i was meditating. Yet i could fully do a math equasion in my head. YES I WAS FULLY AWARE AND CAN WAKE UP AT ANY TIME I WANTED.
    I belive i am catching on to somthing extremely knowlegeable if only i can get back into that same exact state. In some types of meditation styles, you request allied entitys to gaurd your open spirit from evil demon entitys. By me hearing voices chanting "Demons Are near" i had to worry about it, witch side tracked me into getting out of my meditated state. If only this didnt happen i might of learned somthing that is only told to the few people that know how to conciously meditite, i.e. those who use techeniques of meditiation while in physicle combat to avoid pain. it lasted a total of 45 minutes. But right before i woke up, I fell at moch speeds into my body from the heavens above witch was a bit discomforting, as is should slip back into the concious state slowly. Witch makes me to belive my allied entitys were protecting me.
    Yes i know my style oif medititation is a combination of styles but is yet very effective for me. Any comments on the pain? or the meditiation styles?

  2. hemp_boy

    hemp_boy Member

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    thats freaking awesome. theres this book by David St.Clair called Instant Esp, surprisingly it has alot of meditation like things in it, but anyways theres this chapter on astral projections, not quite what you exspeirenced though. more of visualy picturing your self in a nother house or something like that. really cool though
  3. mircuser

    mircuser Member

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    Yeah I do studies of astral is very very effective...i know the CIA has funded reasearchers on AP itself.
    Somthing about targeting a beacon( a person) and draw down on a piece of paper what you have seen after your session is is 100% effective in its study...they tested it on like 12 people, they told them all to think of 1 person in particular and as you slip into the meditated visualize and comprehend what they see, they then wake up after 1 full hour and draw on a piece of paper what they seen.
    The beacon ends up to be this girl riding a motor cycle around LA, in 1 particular route over and over again for 1 hour. The people draw what they see coming from the beacons eyes itself. They were all precise... Every person drew somthing in relation to what the beacon saw. for example she went in a long tunnle, one of the people drew a tunle with a light at the end, the other person drew a fointain with a walk way around it, the beacon circled the fountain during the route, the other person drew 2 hands griping horizontal rods infront of them, That was the beacon holding on to handle bars....This is the exact definition of Astral projection. But when i did it, it was a bit difrent...all meditation anyone has done, is difrent from one another in one way, shape or form.
    I do belive astral projection is the most effective and most intense meditation style there is.
    And yes i do belive that evryone has a psychic ability to a certan extent, it just needs to be found.
  4. natural23

    natural23 Senior Member

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    Good Mircuser.

    Powerful technique, awakening new aspects of the self:

    'Conscious' during dream; work at willfully looking side to side.

    Peace and Love,


  5. rainwater314

    rainwater314 Member

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    The CIA's work on Astral Projection (or at least one account of it) was when they hired Ingo Swann to start a program on Remote Viewing. It was used as a tactics method. Astral Projection is quite beneficial as it allows the soul explore without the limits of the physical body.

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