
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by visualpurple9, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. visualpurple9

    visualpurple9 Members

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    I'm 73, wearing an androgynous female body, am an Advaita-Nisargadatta appreciator and Photoshop/photography addict and I'm just plain lonely for sharing with other unusual folks who don't fit the usual parameters of the consensus sociocultural framework. I love to talk about multidimensional interpenetrating realities and how life is such a real dream, as well as about actual "dreams" too. I cultivate the interior life, respect for all living beings, and being kind to others and to myself. I'm old enough to have slowed down to dwell more completely in the moment and don't do frivolous chit-chat very well.

    I live with my partner Bill and friend Anna in the country near Asheville NC, a hippie-haven of sorts, especially for the South. I love reading science-fiction and mysteries and autobiographies. I have an esoteric and consciousness-focussed background as well, covering a range of perspectives from yoga to clear communication to Dao to Alice Bailey. Psychology too, Jungian and other more modern ones, like Transpersonal. My best friend is a elder Thai cat named Mirabai.

    That ought to be enough to digest for now. Let's see what happens!
  2. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Welcome. We have lots of unusual folks here and as much, or as little, chit chat as you'd want.
  3. visualpurple9

    visualpurple9 Members

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    Thanks for the swift welcome! :daisy:
  4. visualpurple9

    visualpurple9 Members

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    Thanks for the dance! I won't be returning here ~ it's just not for me, not my home. I wish you all well. :sunny:

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