Trump said he could murder someone on 5th avenue and not lose any supporters. His supporters still don't realize he was calling morons. Now his supporters are proving it, by supporting his refusal to releasing his tax returns. So no matter how big his tax cheating is, how big his tax fraud, they are still defending his statement, that his taxes are none of your business. It's already been revealed that he declared that a golf course in New York that he owns was worth $50 million...but on his tax return he claimed it was worth less than one million dollars. Since then, he's now claiming it's worth less than $10 million. How much is going to be found out about his casinos? What is going to happen if the IRS indicts him on tax evasion this summer? What about Shrillary getting indicted by the FBI for her email mess? Will Obama get a third term by default? Isn't it sad, that this could be the best thing that could happen in this election?
Obama can't have a third term, U.S. Presidents have been limited to two terms since FDR. Trump supporters will follow him over a cliff.
That's a revealing one. Won't slow his supporters down, though. Somehow , he's actually admired by some.
In all seriousness there should be enough factual dirt on Trump that nobody should HAVE to resort to bullshit memes and false quotes like that. Rather pathetic.
The best thing Trump has done, is expose the pandemic of bigotry in the U.S.A. When the leaders of the GOP endorse a bigot for their candidate, there's no denying that the republican party is owned by the Ku Klux Klan. This is what the confederacy has wanted for 150 years. We may have the continuation of the Civil War.
Neo-nazi parade in protesters stabbed. Trump is making bold bigots come out of the wood work.