Ask a silly question ... get a silly answer

Discussion in 'Games and Contests' started by BeachBall, Mar 2, 2014.

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  1. weeattoes

    weeattoes what will be, will be

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    Is that clover lonely?
  2. La Ya Ya

    La Ya Ya Fueled by Espresso Lifetime Supporter

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    Never he goes with his friends everywhere.

    Do you know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese in Paris?
  3. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    zee quarder punder wiz zee cheez on

    if you cut a cookie into a gingerbread man shape, does he then become real?
  4. La Ya Ya

    La Ya Ya Fueled by Espresso Lifetime Supporter

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    Only in your mind

    How are your toes today?
  5. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    freezing, but they say very happy, thanks for asking

    do you like fake food?
  6. La Ya Ya

    La Ya Ya Fueled by Espresso Lifetime Supporter

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    No, I have no use for fake food.

    Fake Fingernails
  7. La Ya Ya

    La Ya Ya Fueled by Espresso Lifetime Supporter

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    OOOPpPs forgot where I was for a mo

    Do you fancy fake fingernails down your back?
  8. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    No thanks, never know when they will come my own, so thats one half of the mix.

    Ever wondered how you get your shoes on with fake toe nails?
  9. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    Yeah because the nails should be called door nails but I guess since they are nailed through my toes the name changed.

    Do you ever wonder if you see blue when everyone else sees red bud you don't know any different because everyone just calls it red when you see it?
  10. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    yeahhh, it must be cool to be colour blind...

    ever got a blue apple from the market?
  11. weeattoes

    weeattoes what will be, will be

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    One the blue-ish pueple apples

    Is the key to life shaped like a key?
  12. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Its shaped like a heart....

    ever thought you spotted something or someone you know but you dont really know them its just that they really looked like someone you thought you knew, but you didnt want to stop or shout them cos you were not one hundred percent, then when you realised it wasnt who you thought you thought it was, so felt totally relieved?
  13. La Ya Ya

    La Ya Ya Fueled by Espresso Lifetime Supporter

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    Totally relieved, NO but I feel totally embarrassed most times but I'm a goof that way.

    Ever wonder why such a relatively low tech thing like a pair of glasses costs so much? I mean they can be astronomically expensive, more than a TV or a Stereo that has hundreds of little parts - why is that do you think? Afterall they are just made of plastic and not much more.
  14. La Ya Ya

    La Ya Ya Fueled by Espresso Lifetime Supporter

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    I know what you mean, glasses should be very inexpensive, it's beyond me how they charge so much!

    Why do you do the silly things you do?
  15. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Cos I'm silly?

    How many times in a sentence can you say drat?
  16. La Ya Ya

    La Ya Ya Fueled by Espresso Lifetime Supporter

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    Drat the Dratted Drat!! three times apparently if you count dratted - the past tense of drat but I'm tired tonight, if I had more energy I could make it more.

    Can you come over and fix me something to eat? I'm just too tired to do it for myself.
  17. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Sure, I will get my coat!....knock knock!!!

    Do gnomes put coats on when outside?
  18. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    it is a myth that gnomes wear clothing at all..they only are depicted with clothing because of the enormous girth of their peckers....cant have that on peoples lawns all over england so they put clothes on them for outdoor display

    out of all my friends here which one changes her status the most? ;)
  19. La Ya Ya

    La Ya Ya Fueled by Espresso Lifetime Supporter

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    Her......status. I guess "Secret Thinker" but I could be wrong - I haven't been paying enough attention to be sure.

    What is your status?
  20. morrow

    morrow Visitor


    What is your color
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