Asassins Creed Black Flag

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by jerry420, Oct 15, 2015.

  1. jerry420

    jerry420 Doctor of everything Lifetime Supporter

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    finally beat it after coming back to it after a year :D

    great ending and music...looking forward to syndicate
  2. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Proper order: Black flag, Rogue, Unity, Syndicate ;) :p

    But I think you played Black flag on the PS4? So you'd have to go back to your older console to play Rogue (not that big of a deal). Although it is the only game besides Black flag that has open world sailing (which is still a lot of fun in the northern atlantic as well!) it seems to me it is also the game that can be skipped the most easily without missing something big in the overal storyline. But I'm only half-way with Rogue and haven't played any Unity yet.

    Black Flag's 'sandbox ocean' :D is great though. Didn't expect before I would love that game this much. And I take it when you talk about the music you mean the songs the crew of your ship sings? That was definitely a great highlight throughout the game for me too :) Rest of the game's music score was not that memorable as far as I recall. Neither the story and ending, though it was fun to play through it. The thing that makes Black flag a superb game for me is the open world of the Carribean with lots of things to do (conquer forts, explore tiny islands, smugglers caves, rob plantations, attacking and entering enemy ships etc. etc.)
  3. jerry420

    jerry420 Doctor of everything Lifetime Supporter

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    no, i meant the ending music :D
  4. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Haha ok, I guess I don't recall them because I only heard them one time (contrary to those sea shanties by my crew :D)

    So maybe you mentioned in another thread before but are you gonna go straight from Black flag to Syndicate?
  5. jerry420

    jerry420 Doctor of everything Lifetime Supporter

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    i wanna play the uncharted series...never got to try those...
  6. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Yeah same here :D The rereleased trilogy is the first thing I gonna play when I get the PS4.

    But I was of course solely speaking about the AC series, since you said you look forward to Syndicate but in the chronological order there are 2 games in between Black flag and Syndicate. Now, one is only on the older gen, and one is full of bugs (which seem to be fixed through updates) so you might not be interested in them as much as in Syndicate, so I was just wondering if you gonna play one of those too ;)
  7. jerry420

    jerry420 Doctor of everything Lifetime Supporter

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    probably bored with the 18th century setting...
  8. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Fair enough! It would be stupid to play them all when you're not interested of course :p But since this is the only game series of more than 4 games that I have played in its entirely (and the new ones still appeal to me) I'm going on in the right order. But as said, I'm not in a hurry to play them all in a row either :-D

    About being bored of these series taking place in a certain century: man, you have no idea how disappointed I was when I heard the second AC game would take place in 15th century Italy :D I was instantly sold on the first game and the setting (holy land during the 3rd crusade) and wished the second one would be in a similar setting. But Florence and Venice and gun powder and bombs... But when I tried AC2 I came around. Still would really love another in depth story, and an open world to explore of course, in the original era of the Hashashins.

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