
Discussion in 'Yoga and Meditation' started by Ojo de la noche, Mar 21, 2023.

  1. Ojo de la noche

    Ojo de la noche Newbie

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    I would like to ask for your advice!
    I've been trying lately to sit in Siddhasana or Sukhasana, but I get intolerable back pain afterwards. Looks like as I'm getting old my back can't cope with the stretching and straining.
    Have you experienced similar problems? Do you know what kind of Yoga exercises may help sit in Asana without back pain later? For example Yoga-for-the-back, Yoga-for-mobility, etc...
    Thank You in advance!
  2. Ajay0

    Ajay0 Guest

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    There are aids like backrest and props you can use, which would reduce the strain on the back . B.K.S.Iyengar advocated the used of such innovative props as being helpful to yoga students. Other teachers have also recommended the use of such tools as well.

    Insights on Iyengar Yoga With Quotes by B.K.S. Plus a Yogini

  3. Ojo de la noche

    Ojo de la noche Newbie

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    Thank You!

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