oh right i used to think it meant that you had brain cancer or something.. stupid me its beacuse i heard the term on ER or something years ago.
*goes off on paranoid rant* prozac is used to brainwash the children...much like flu shots...how do you think bush won the election???...thats right, prozac...the man takes prozac....we'r all slaves to the pharmacudical comanies....their chemicals are made to control thoughts.....never, ill never give in....ill never take prozac...my thoughts are my own....GET OUT OF MY HEAD BRAIN CONTROLING CHEMICALS...OUT *retreats to home made bomb shelter*
no, but seriously though, i dont trust anti-deppesants. they work for a while but then slowly make you deppressed again, so you think you need to continue using anti-deppresants. thats how they get rich. i used to take all kinds of different deppresion meds, and never felt better than i did when i stopped. i was told i would never be able to be "normal" or happy unless i took these meds...and it was then i threw them out, and refused to be depressed anymore (thats correct, i chose to be happy...we create our own reality, and that includes our own hell, if thats our choice) i dont really by into the whole "chemical imbalance" thing. as i supposedly had one. if your chemicals are imbalanced, then balance them....only you can heal your mind.