oh beautiful art of the ages.....is there any? is art culture-based, era-based or personalally-based? can one create a piece of art from words or nothing? where do the boundaries end?
mm art is what you make it.. it can be Anything-based...cant it? i give away a little bit of my soul with everything i do... woah... does that mean i have none left?
I think art is created not from words, from feeling Through creating art, we express energy, we express what we do not release with words. I think the glory of art is that it cant be era or personality based. Its all falls into one category. Although it is a representation of a personality, era or culture its inspiration still comes from the one source.
art is a product of the time, place and culture in which the artist lives, but it transcends those borders, even if the context and meaning change with every viewer. art lives on, sometimes long after the creator (and the environment in which they live) has dissappeared... so reflecting history, or some part of it, to viewers in new generations. i don't know if that answers any questions, but if it makes any sense at all, that's how i feel. ya know? (i might be able to explain it better after lunch, but i won't have time then!)