art name game.

Discussion in 'Art' started by BirdFlu, Jul 16, 2019.

  1. BirdFlu

    BirdFlu resident alien

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    Art is all about names, so let's play a game...

    Look up a random name, any name. I looked up "Robert Hoffmann, painter" a painter my dad knew who had survived the Holocaust and was just generally interesting. Couldn't find anything on him, but I came across this page by clicking the coolest picture I could on Google Images:

    Original paintings by Robert Lenkiewicz, artist

    So, I ended up with an artist named Robert Lenkiewicz. And his painting "Model Masturbating," has gotta be one of the more interesting things I've seen lately. The face is so defined, to the point of becoming surreal--- and then her genitals become a splash of paint- indicating movement, energy.

    So. Look up a name of someone you went to school with, someone you roomed with in college; Make sure to write "painter" at the end, then go to Google Images and find art.

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