Ariel [5th arch angel] passed on Jan 11 14 17 days before the anniversary of the passing of rabbi yitzhah kaduri with or without prophesy this truly marks the end of an era
It doesn't really mark an end of an era. His type of thinking will continue. I'm sorry he lived as long as he did.
he [almost] single-handedly led the opposition forces armed by Britain and 6erman Zionists fighting tooth and nail against his respected friend/arch enemy Yasser Arafat though he may not hold a candle to Douglas MacArthur who believed he was king David reincarnated ... he was quite the psychotic [as violent mental disorders are defined] ... now end date predictions are everywhere based on this rabbi, the Malachi prophesy, and Arab spring, tribulation in the east and Muslim presidents in the west. please do not interpret ''psychotic'' as negative, it is neutral, as defined by the dictionary [a good one]. people are herding to date the rapture now