I am 100% spontaneous to a fault, i think......I have known calculating people who say and do things to only achieve desired results from people, so i feel that is trying to mind control people and be manipulating of them. What do you think?
Both. Or in between. I used to be way more spontaneous & still can be. Sometimes its good to be calculating,not so much in way of controlling or getting things that you want from other people, but nothing wrong w calculating to get what you want for yourself.
Well, maybe not. I can be calculating when I want to avoid something like hell......as I watch times ipost or sign out...as i despise certain number combinations. I never used to be that way until I noticed and learned all the codes a few years ago already.....and I dislike that numbers have been ruined for me. i spelled spontaneous wrong in the title....because my typing stinks, and I have such a light touch on things....sometimes a letter i press on the keyboard is not hard enough....but the spelling in the title of this thread is bothering me. and i would edit it, if I could.
Both. My thought: I hope you don't turn those experiences into a generalisation you would act upon consistently when dealing with more 'calculating people' Spontaneous people can manipulate just as much!
Im not sure if i would use calculating as the opposite of spontaneous. Calculating implies nefarious intent. Deliberate or cautious might be a better choice. I used to be spontaneous in my pre child life, now i am very guided by routine. I'm planning, deliberating, maybe even calculating that i shall return to spontaneity mode when i have an empty nest.
huh? Chess? Trump? You win. Seriously, anyone can be manipulative.....I know that....and I try not to generalize.....It is easier to know when you know, though...my riddle for the day....
My first thought from you.....no, nope, nada, never, no can do, not a chance.... My brain that has turned to a calculating computer.... .....depending on your number game..... A. 14 b. 108 but there are an infinite amount of thigs you can do with any number.....which is the beauty of that , too....so a real meaning will never be known. No wonder Einstein went insane. HA!
I think I'm a bit more spontaneous than calculated. Possibly because most of the times that I try planning things out it, they never work out that way anyways.
yeah, ok, by calculating, I don't mean i have a job interview today, so I need to get going this time. I should wear this and wear my hair that way. I will wear my glasses today to look intelligent. I will....da...da....da....da.... We all do this for so many scenario's in life. it is hard to explain what i mean.....I can give an example.....I knew someone that went to a group therapy once....and those that rolled around the floor crying and screaming letting their inner demons go...and in the way spontaneous to their feelings.... those that sat there stone cold without any emotion..... The phsychiatrist's belief was that those that were spontaneous with their emotions were mentally healthier than those who were not, so he had to work with those who were not more..... if that makes any sense.
youre reading wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much into it as usual i was just mentioning the missing n in the title might want to clean your keyboard because you also missed an n in your post (thigs)
but yeah, I see your point....about reading too much into things....I do delve deep...as deep as humanly possible....and I don't want to. I want to be simple and free....i am fighting for my own sanity!
I have to agree there. Though many people are much more inclined one way or the other. Originally, I thought the post was meaning 'in general.' I guess it is in a way, in a way not? I don't know. I know I'm more spontaneous than I am calculative when it comes to speaking to / reading people. I enrolled in a basic psychology class years ago thinking that being in that line of work would be something I would like. I also took the class while my family life was EXTREMELY turbulent. It really screwed my head up, opening my mind to the ability to 'read people' and anticipate certain things that people do (or will do). It freaked me out so much that I more or less abandoned human psychology as a scientific learning experience (via classes/college courses at least) all together. People tell me I don't 'know' that people are predictable because of my lack of experience. I don't rule it out and consider that not to be true, but I still don't believe everything a human being does or will do is predictable. There are too many variables for that to be so. Therefore, I have abandoned much of this calculative philosophy because hell... surprises are just much more fun! When they are good surprises. Even when they aren't, I like a nice challenge... most of the time. Besides. Manipulation is petty. To put that sort of knowledge to use in a negative way... to hurt people... to step on them just to get a leg up in the world or get what you want? Stop it. Bad human.
Yes this makes sense and in that context i am not very emotionally spontaneous. I was raised by a stoic mom who never really lost her cool until it built up so much she would do end up doing thingss like throwing a dozen eggs at the wall on christmas lol. So like her, the only emotion i'm really good at expressing is nonsensical frustration. Therapy would prob be good for me