I live real close to Antietam Battlefield, where 100,000 men were killed in one day during the Civil war....I think I'll go as a dead soldier. But which side?
i've got what amounts to a larp head (never got around to adding a lower jaw, and it really needs see through buckram eyes instead of just eye holes) and my wire supported tail, both of which could seriously use their fur replaced, no forepaws and some worn out generic hindpaws. all of which i MIGHT put on, but i have nothing planned in the sense of going anywhere myself. i will have the usual corporate candy for any little gobblings that might show up, but i'm not really expecting any. if they show up they do, if they don't they don't. not planning on putting up any ghoolish decorations either. not where i'm living now. i like the idea of a popular day for costuming, but i sort of think the idea of monsters and demons promotes the idea of the unknown being something negative, and with it, the idea that at least some kinds of prejudice are ok, or even good. its one of those subliminal things that most people don't see as making the connection because its not usually obvious to them. of course all wars are something good to be against. the u.s. civil war was probably the last one in which more civilians didn't die then combatants. the south fought for a lot of the very wrong things, but the north should have never fought to prevent them from leaving. they should have just said good by and good riddance.
Wouldn't matter which side you'd be six feet under and worms would be eating your cadaver, either way.
you're asking me this now? i don't know what i'm wearing tomorrow. i don't usually dress up, but not on principle or anything like that; i just usually don't have costume events that i end up attending. we do a haunted house at work a couple weeks before halloween, so i'll be in some sort of disguise for that i'm sure.
When you're a zombie there's only one side, no north, no south, only dead , https://youtu.be/P59afp8ysRg Hotwater
People wear a disguise every day. We put on a mask that we want the world to believe represents who we truly are. Often it is fake as hell. Don't need a special day for this. Just need folks to feel safe and comfortable being who they truly are (IMO).
I don't wear a costume for Halloween... But someone usually mistakes my every day clothes for one and complements me about it... So, Yeah. I'll get dressed
I usually say that I won't because I'm just hanging around giving out candy, but then the afternoon comes and I can't resist so I throw on something from my stash and have fun with the kidlets. I usually get compliments on my costume. If it makes the kids enjoy Halloween more, I think that's fun.
I always stay in and give out to the kids and usually throw something fun on while doing it. I think I may do the fairy thing again this year as I already have a costume. I even dress Lace (dog) in a little outfit. The kids all giggle when they see her at the door. Halloween is a fun holiday to celebrate, even for us big kids.