are you content with your life??

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by FunkyPhreshMama, Aug 25, 2005.

  1. FunkyPhreshMama

    FunkyPhreshMama Visitor

    i know we can't all be extrememy HAPPY with our lives, there is always something most of us want to change, but for the most part are you content, are you fairly happy the way your life has turned out overall??

    so far i have been thru some major crap and also had some great/amazing things happen but I woldnt change a bit of it, it made me who i am and i wold like to think i am pretty happy.
  2. Therefore...

    Therefore... Antidentite

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    I'm pretty content with my life, there's really no reason not to be. But this summer I spent 5 weeks backpacking around Japan, and the entire time I was there I was truly, completely happy and content with my life. But now that I'm back to work and school in America, I can definitely think of things that could be better.
  3. FunkyPhreshMama

    FunkyPhreshMama Visitor

    the backpacking thing sounds awesome =) i am glad you had a good time
  4. ZePpeLinA

    ZePpeLinA Jump around!

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    i'm very happy about my life right now. i feel somehow different, more optimistic perhaps.... I guess it's all part of me realising that life is what i want it to be..and i want it to be as good as possible.
  5. mystical_shroom

    mystical_shroom acerbic

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    I am very content with my life right now and probably will be...
    Of course we all have our downsides and sad stories that do make us who we are and it always gives us something to learn from and so forth, it molds us I guess you could say...
    I wouldnt change a thing, though in the heat of things at times I wish I could, but I honestly wouldnt cause its the path I was meant to travel..
    dont know if that really made sense or not...
  6. Sabel

    Sabel Member

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    I think my life's okay.
    I've not been happy for years, but I started taking responsibility for my own unhappy-ness. and I changed.
    that was good.
    Now I'm pretty content.
    I only wish I had friends.
    Because I don't. And I think it's not that I am a bad person, or that people don't like me.
    I just don't know the right people.
    and that's kind of sad.
  7. mystical_shroom

    mystical_shroom acerbic

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    Its not sad at all..
    I use to be somewhat like that when I was younger, It was just that I found myself just pushing people away without really realizing it.. and I wasnt someone who always wanted to go out or talk on the phone and people took that negatively and stopped talking to me..
    They just didnt understand where I was coming from I guess and took it as I didnt want to be friends when it wasnt that at all..
    But then I found people that were as annoying as me and they were like how I was and now its like they dont assume stuff, they know how I am..
  8. Therefore...

    Therefore... Antidentite

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    Thanks. I'm generally a pretty happy person, but I've found that I'm only completely content when I travel.
  9. Oz!

    Oz! Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Of course i'm not.....I'm too busy living it :D
  10. daisymae

    daisymae Senior Member

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    I am happy and content with my life. There are always the ups & downs, but a "flat line" means you're dead, right? ;)
  11. JanaXGIRL

    JanaXGIRL Senior Member

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    No, I'm not content.. I miss someone to love :(
  12. Sabel

    Sabel Member

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    yeah I know what you mean.
    and I'm guessing things will turn out okay for me too, I just need to find the right people.
    I'll be going to college in a year, I hope I'll meet some like-minded people there.
  13. iscreamchocolate

    iscreamchocolate Senior Member

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    fuck, my life sucks.. Can't wait to move away... get out of this town..,. meet new people. change myself, make myself a better person../ fuck I suck.. umm yup that pretty much sums up my answer... all in a nutshell.
  14. Penny

    Penny Supermoderaginaire

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    I'm pretty content, yes.. :)
  15. Insomniac_devi

    Insomniac_devi Beast Toast

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    Not really, but I'm taking steps to fix that.
  16. JanaXGIRL

    JanaXGIRL Senior Member

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    ... and someone who loves me ...
  17. nope, probably never will be....
  18. Lodui

    Lodui One Man Orgy

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    Yeah, I'd say contents a good way to put it. [​IMG]

    Things are pretty much going my way... just a little slower then I'd have hoped. I've got lots of grandiose dreams, and they don't seem to happen at the pace I want them too, and so I get kinda disapointed.

    But for the most part, I'm with someone who makes me happy, I have lots of great friends, I'm getting along with my family well, I'm in great health, I like school...

    So, yeah, I'm pretty happy. I'm definatly looking forward to the future.
  19. twiztidrainbow

    twiztidrainbow Senior Member

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    I'm not to sure on this one at the moment.
  20. tommyboy487

    tommyboy487 Member

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    You cant rely on other people for happiness... its a state of mind, it comes from you[​IMG] the other thing is you cant wait a year to be happy:| be happy now man lol lifes short... what if you dont meet people in college? lol make the most!!

    NICE i was in japan too did you go to expo? it was effin amazing[​IMG] We got to be VIPs at the canadian pavillion and all[​IMG] yea pretty rad. didnt expect it to be so hot there though

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