Are Women More Superficial?

Discussion in 'Women's Forum' started by Libertine, Aug 25, 2005.

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  1. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Now, I don't want a bunch of mad hens (ha ha) jumping on me.

    But, this is something I have recognized in my relationships and those women (who I am not in relations with) that surround me every day.

    In absolutely ALL my relationships, the women I have been with are concerned primarily with material possessions, fashion trends, cosmetics, and social conformity.

    It starts with youth: These days all I see is Britney wannabes running around everywhere speaking in broken English and slang (which they believe puts them on another level of cool. It doesn't.). And on the arm these dudes who wear their fucking baseball caps so low that can't see, shuffling around the mall nodding and bobbing at the other shuffling nod-bobbers.

    The "pseudo-hippie", "pseudo-goth", "pseudo-punk" cultures of the 90s and 00s are not true to the cause. Half these kids are baked out losers with no depth, barbiedoll whores who aren't worth the cum on their faces, or trendy little posers who'd run like hell in disgust and fear at real "rebel" or "hippie" back into the arms of Mommy and Daddy in their safe little neighborhood.

    But, many of the women of today continue this phase on through adulthood. Living an entire existence built on fakery (physically, emotionally and mentally).

    Half the "good girls" I've been with have turned out to be little bitches I slap in the face with my cock while their good guy boyfriends are at home planning the wedding...fucking whores... If you're gonna just fuck, well FUCK, but don't lie to the poor guys, shit.

    I truly feel sorry for the good guys, but I don't blame myself, no. I am a horny bastard and I'll tell ya up front--it ain't LOVE I'm looking for. Funny, most fems seemed to cream over that.

    But, alas...the bullshit continues...

    So, my question is simple. I want to know the opinions of women, but only if you going to be real and not ashamed your true self (looks without makeup and all), to tell me either why I am wrong or why this is so.
  2. IronGoth

    IronGoth Newbie

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    Jesus Christ, Libertine.


    PS *applauds about the pseudo-Goth thing!* I can't believe someone else sees it too. Troo goth hasn't been seen since the 80s....
  3. YellowBellyHippy

    YellowBellyHippy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I don't understand what your question is? All I heard was you going off about people like Brittney Spears

    Oh, and if you tried to slap me in the face with your cock I would chop it off.
  4. IronGoth

    IronGoth Newbie

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    Let me put it a different way *asbestos jock on*

    Back when men only had the vote, we had statesmen. George Washington, Abraham Lincoln.

    Now women have the vote, and it's down to who has the cuter hair, the nicer smile, who gives you the warm fuzzies. Policies? Who cares. Check out the tie on that guy in the debate ugh it made him look haggard and drawn.

    There's a famous Dilbert cartoon in which some woman is harpying on about how wimmyn are so mistreated and the like. Alice, the female engineer says "interesting. I'm the highest paid engineer in the company and about to attend a dinner in my honor for the patents I've generated for this firm" and the woman stops mid-sentence and says "ugh. in those slacks?"
  5. YellowBellyHippy

    YellowBellyHippy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Were the slacks really that bad? *snicker* ;)
  6. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Please, YBH, you know I like ya, but face it, women are much more materialistic and superficial than men. Ok....

    I mean why do most women proclaim love and romance with Mr. Nice Guy, while blowing the cock of Liber--er some other dude behind his back? Why do most women put stock in materialistic, non-important shit like keeping up appearances instead of broadening the mind?

    That's sad. And it's dirty...and not in the good way. This is a slut to me, not a girl who has lots of sex, that's just choice. I respect choice. But, the girl who lives in the world of make-believe with Prince Nice Man and becomes the whore of Satan at night with another man.
  7. DancerAnnie

    DancerAnnie Resident Beach Bum

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    I agree that MOST women I've run into are what you described them as being...materialistic, superficial whores, mentally and emotionally immature. Libertine, maybe you and I have run into the same kind of women.

    I don't believe I'm like that...maybe I'm in denial...I don't know.
  8. daisymae

    daisymae Senior Member

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    Maybe it's the women that you surround yourself with. I don't know.
    Personally I find it hard to find men who aren't just looking for a hot body to (slap with their cock) fuck and then leave. That sounds pretty superficial to me. So the young women go crazy trying to be what the media tells them they must be, or the boys won't like them....

    So the shoes fit both feet....
  9. YellowBellyHippy

    YellowBellyHippy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    This was the smartest thing I have read in this thread!
  10. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Very good point, you two. I don't disagree with those two (Annie & yours) views at all.

    And just FYI, I stopped slapping faces with my cock a while back (I was just using myself as an example).

  11. pabsy

    pabsy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    hmmmm..i see a lot of contradictions in your threads Libertine... women are women....and each and every one of us is unique....
  12. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    Indeed women are women. I challenge you to bring forth any contradiction you see in my philosophy and we'll examine it.

    But, just as men aren't all the same, neither are women. The majority of women that I have known (as I've mentioned previously) have these problematic traits.

    I don't think it is an insult to women as a whole. And I don't think I insinuated that.

    The superficiality is a trait that I, personally, detest which brings me to disrespect such followers of it. And it just so happens the majority of women I've been around are (as many agree with me) have this disease.
  13. pabsy

    pabsy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Libertine - i guess as a woman i cant argue that point....but a woman is what you bring out in her...we are all multi-fascited..hahaha...i'll re-spell that when i'm totally sober!...if you percieve your women as superficial..maybe the fault lies within yourself?
  14. Applespark

    Applespark Ingredients:*Sugar*

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    women are superficial. We are the target market of everything you can buy. I know a lot of women who are not superficial though. I agree it's who you associate yourself with. I don't think I'm superficial. I like to not look the same everyday though and sometimes ware makeup and dress in "trendy clothes" But not many people relaly try to get into a girls mind. So to say were not trying to expand our minds...well maybe for some thats simple but for me I try to expand my mind on a daily basis and I like to also meet men who are expansive in that wayas well. Makes for intresting conversations.
  15. pabsy

    pabsy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    hmmm....give me a while to re examine your threads so as i dont miss-qoute and i'll be happy to challenge your philosophy
  16. Elle

    Elle Senior Member

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    society as a whole is so concerned with asthetics, material possesions, money, woman might be concerned with being the hottest chick at the bar and the man might be concerned with going home with the hottest chick at the bar.

    personally, the women you have described are the anthithesis of myself and the women i have as friends (as well as the kynd ladies here on the forums...or so it seems). i also stay away from superficial men. true, genuine & natural is not the majority these days, but whatta ya gonna do?
  17. Libertine

    Libertine Guru of Hedonopia

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    That, Applespark, is brilliant. I love a women's mind, if she shows appreciation for it herself. I respect individuality so much it bleeds.

    I have tendency to really not respect a woman who just says to me, "'re hot." and nothing more. I want them to know my mind. Sure, I like fucking for fun OBVIOUSLY, but it is a matter of choice. A slut isn't a woman who has sex a lot to me, a slut is a woman who pretends to be something she's not and lives in a superficial world trying to deny reality.

    Those who just appreciate my clothes or appearance will get exactly that from me...physical contact. But, those who appreciate my mind and appreciate their own mind--that is a connection that can flourish.

    That's why I love smart women as my friends.
  18. Applespark

    Applespark Ingredients:*Sugar*

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    I find people who don't expand their minds ( men or women) to be quite sheepish to the views of the world the never question anything...they are boring. And they create more drones.
  19. pabsy

    pabsy Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    i find no one boring... every human being has a quality worth can anyone be so vain as to think they are intellectually or otherwise superior to another?
  20. Applespark

    Applespark Ingredients:*Sugar*

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    I jsut have a few really boring minded friends was who I was referring to I dont think Im any better then them I just chose to question what they I agree with him it's nice to meet women who you can talk to and men who are really open and not superficial
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