i must say penis are weird looking ugly motherf*****s. and guys arent attracted to vagina's more so the woman its in. so do women actually care how more about the penis or than man ?
I'm having trouble user standing some of your post. If part of your thesis is that men aren't attracted to vaginas, then that is wrong. I find vaginas visually attractive and enjoy both their smell and taste. I do believe that appreciation of the beauty of genitals is an acquired taste. (pun intended). cf. When I first encountered stout beer and single malt whisky, I didn't like them other than a route to alcohol. Since then, I have learned to like their taste for their own sake.
guys are not attracted to a vagina???....uh...yes we are. And are women attracted to a penis?...you ever had sex? Seriously...while it is true that some women are not, I have found in my 51 years of life - by far most are. I have had several tell me they have zero attraction to it when it is soft, most women believe that your penis is a barometer for how attracted you are to them - so naturally a fully erect penis makes them feel sexy.
As a man, I love the vulva (the vagina is the canal from the vulva to the cervix). I'd love to see every woman's vulva if it was possible. It's a kind of obsession for me, but like a mere curiosity. I adore it. So I guess there are some women who like penises, too. Maybe not all, just like not all men like the vulva (in an aestethic way).
Well the entire history of human evolution would confirm that to be YES! If they weren't then we would all be stardust.
My wife does not find a penis to be attractive. She is bi and prefers the female form. She also thinks ejaculation is disgusting. I have never heard a woman talk about a good looking penis.
My wife discusses penises with her friends all the time but doesn't actively go out looking to see them or at them in pictures or movies. She only comments or looks at them when I ask her about what the male has or is doing at the time. . She basis her desires and comments on mine as a standard and so does several of our girl friends but none of them will openly admit to looking at or for anything specific.
Just as long as the man don't have anything weird growing on it, then they're all a wondrous sight. And seriously....women have the most beautiful parts known to man. Get with it bro
Are Women Actually Attracted To The Penis? I can't answer for the ladies, But I am attracted to cock and balls.
My wife doesn't like my penis! She barely tolerates it. She says that seeing it soft, or hard, does noting for her! She also claims that she's not attracted to any cocks! LOL
Because I am a home nudist, My wife sees my penis all the time. For 17 years she has called it" the hanging thing". We are a senior couple and love each other's body parts. We are always playing touchy feely with each other. My wife doesn't mind at all seeing my penis hard, flaccid or in between. She loves to hold it just like I love to hold her tits. We are not what you would call " beautiful people" but we do take pleasure in each other. Don't tell me Senior couples aren't sexual creatures.
are women actually attracted to the penis? i doubt it, but they act like it because he's got money. ?
i don't find penises attractive but surely love how they feel inside of me especially if they are fat. length not really feel different but fat ones really feel different.
I'm never really attracted to a penis (or nudity in general) I'm more interested in how well a man uses it. As for female parts... I'm a female and see them all the time so no interest there.
You admire what you don't have, and all girls go through "penis envy" at some stage of their life. It is cold outside and you have to pee. A guy just unzips, pulls it out and points and shoots. A girl has to squat.
My wife said that she is not attracted to a penis and is not turned on by seeing one, but a penis does come in handy for sex, which she does enjoy.