My husband and I were discussing why more men are Bisexual or even full out gay. I know from my group of friends that they have a hard time finding decent men to date or marry. It seems most men do not want a concrete relationship with a woman given the fact that there are numerous women who take advantage of some men's financial means. Our group of friends feel the same way. I think most Bi or gay men don't want the hassle of a spouse and as long as they can satisfy their sexual urges prefer to stay single. The media portrays men as evil and sub human and most men feel rejected due to the current political climate. Anyone else have any thoughts on this?
I agree with what you say. Also, commercials now show a family or a couple and the male is a dumb ass and the woman is not only smart but talks to him like he is a dumbass. Not to say that isn't the case sometimes but lately the media does tend to show the American male as a dumbass or a pussy. Another interesting thing is that males have less testosterone now than ever before. Kids in high school and college are now being diagnosed with low T. For that I blame the foods we eat now and how they have zero nutritional value anymore. I am not saying gay men are less of a man but I think males are becoming more feminine. Boys are wearing skinny girl jeans. Etc. Strange time we live in now.
Its basically an environmental catastrophe. Lots of pollutants are feminising many males and masculinising many women in the West. PLus you have the media on its bizarre crusade to actually deny the facts. I went to a club last night. Even the younger bouncers on the doors were actually verging on slightly camp. They even have a female ("butch") bouncer. And NO it isn't a homosexuals bar! I'm only in my 30s, but I barely recognise the Britain of when I was a little kid. Its a nightmare. Many women behave like men. Men behaving like women. I would be ashamed to walz round a supermarket doing shopping, but apparently there's loads of "males" do it. Likewise with cleaning and shit. Then you have to explain to people "partner" means "homosexuals". The proper heterosexual word is spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/common law spouse. The latest nonsense is women building muscle - all BIG 6 packs, even muscley thighs. WTF. Clowns call me a "modern day neanderthal". I'd rather that than behaving like Judy Fucking Garland! TBH I don't want to marry a British woman now. They seem poisoned by this "men should behave like women" crap. Atleast other countries can see the shit for what it is. Black Pidgeon Speaks on Youtube discusses some of it. PS these pollutants and their effects CAN be removed from the body. Unfortunately people shut their eyes to the truth and hurl round all these militant Social (lmao) "Justice" Warrior slogans.
I couldn't agree more to the posted replies. Yes I think most men here in the US are being pussfied to the the point that men are afraid of being men. Even back in my home country of Thailand men are the same. I know it's what they put in our foods. I used to think my husband was paranoid as he avoids most processed foods and his sex drive is very high. He is not afraid of being a manly man and being an Engineer he travels over seas quite a bit and he see's a difference with Russian people and the Brits. So sad that mankind is doing this to themselves.
I'm of Russian descent on my father's side. Thats exactly what I mean. Russians completely agree with me "this role reversal bullshit is terrible.. it is Satanism". I think we're seeing the start of a horrible, HORRIBLE agenda. Incest, sexual "slavery" and God knows what will be all part of it.
I looked at old kids books. "Flopsy the rabbit woke up and felt very gay. He went to see Milo the panda who also felt very happy and gay". I mean can't people see whats happening, stealing a word from its true context like that?
Why do you do that for? Your friends have a hard time finding guys to date or marry?....but it can only be cos so many guys are bi or gay? You know full well the main reason your friends have trouble finding guys to date or marry....because they are dating younger woman. Pretending something doesnt exist doesnt make it not exist The difference between the genders of Thai people is a lot less pronounced, than say Russians or Brits, or my lot Australians Thailand is one of those places where it hits you square in the face how much of it is just about basic biological factors, such as height or size....and not about food addititives, supposed evil media corporations or political climates - those excuses are just about stuff you want to be true and not have to face harsher realities. Two things are painfully obvious about Thailand: 1. How many older western men there are with younger thai women 2. In the west, pretty much everyone seems totally clueless about gay guys that are hyper masculine and not effeminate. Whereas as you average thai female seems to have a razor sharp gaydar when it comes to really butch gay guys. The difference is quite bizarre
"Unfashionable" where? San Fransisco's homosexual militant district? I'm only expressing what most of the World, and much of Europe actually thinks. Infact, even what much of the West actually thinks. Just the West that isn't one of little clubs that owns all the media. As a male, tell a Russian/CIS woman that you plan on doing the shopping and cleaning and 1st she'll be massively offended. 2ndly, she'll think you are mentally ill. And before you ask, YES women across these regions are extremely happy with their career prospects vs men. You seem to think that anything yelled by America's Neo-Lib-Con Alliance/Hilary Clinton and the gang is great and everyone else (whatever they choose for themselves) is completely wrong. Seriously, don't you think thats rather at odds with your claim to be supporting "diversity"? Many women think that this sex chromosome (you say "gender") denialism has gone much too far.
My own mother-in-law thinks it's terrible that my job includes having the authority to supervise men. You think there's a chromosome for putting items in a shopping cart and operating a vacuum cleaner? Fuck you.
So you've conceded the argument. Maybe the fact is, you just don't like being female? Tell me, would you be so keen on "gender equality" if you were the first draft to fight a war on the front line? What about forcing someone to stop trying to stab an elderly person in the street? Or give up your children in a divorce? There are female chromosomes and male ones. Most people round the World agree with me. America's Neo-Con Liberalist cabal is far, far, FAR from being considered "normal". In America AND round the World.
You're declaring my mother-in-law to be the ultimate judge of right and wrong? She's a fool! The world is moving on, and leaving you in the dust. Unless you're just trolling. Out of touch male bullies no longer get to define what it means to be a woman... unless you're in the Republican Party.
No America is moving backwards. Or rather, its so called political "elite" is trying to push everyone backwards. And THAT is the group that is bullies, not normal people speaking common sense. "America is brilliant, everyone else is old fashioned and shit". Sorry but thats very tiresome. Comical even. The rest of the World says "we're fine as we are thanks very much". You remind me of one of those people that demand women don't work as models etc because it "demeans them" - then force them into some $8/hr call centre slavery. Its all coming full circle. The Frankfurt School extremism has been shown to be an utter disaster and abomination. People are breaking off their media placed chains. Say hello to the future Karen! So to answer just one of my questions, if the Draft came...?
Most of Europe is a hell of a lot more liberal than the US. I don't give a fuck what anybody in Russia thinks. I did that job for a while, part time. I'm fine with the legalization of prostitution and any other sex-related job, with appropriate regulations. Your version of the future is the same as the past. Look, I'm not going to re-fight the sexual revolution with you. Your side fought the good fight, and you lost. It's over. I've never said that men and women are exactly the same. But... front line combat has nothing to do with ordinary household tasks and business activities in an office setting. Trying to link them together makes you look like a babbling idiot. Reasonable people can see a profound difference between them. And you wonder why outstanding, trustworthy women are not lining up at your door. I'm sure most of the women who have met you in person detest you.
Kiprat, you really think that cleaning and grocery shopping somehow magically has a sex chromosome attached to them? Thats ridiculous. Arent you single anyways? How the fuck do you survive? Does your mommy still shop for you or do you just never eat? Or survive on fast food, is that masculine enough for you? Your house must be disgusting if you never clean it.
I picture a rugged individual, living in the wild, getting his own food and constructing everything he needs to survive, a real mensh; then I picture Kiprat looking at this scene and calling the man a pussy for sweeping his own hut.
Well actually dear, I've got plenty of options, sorry to disappoint you! Options that agree with me, rather than "men in dresses". And guess what, they aren't square jawed testosterone jabbing Hitlery Clintons or individuals like you. Most British men would laugh in your face in they heard you anti-male extremist claptrap. Many women would too. Karen J - "man enough" (lol) to boss the men about, but hides away in the kitchen when the draft papers arrive thro the door. In other words, IMMENSE hypocrisy. Have you got a shrine to Hitlery Clinton btw? And really, I don't need an extremist to tell me "how Liberal" Europe is. SWEDEN is NOT the whole of Europe BTW. Britain and many other ctries in Europe thinks American "liberalism" is a truly grotesque monster. I'm not surprised Pressed Rat swerves the Politics forum [comment about moderation removed by moderator]. And I truly pity your husband (if he hasn't disappeared.. yet!) Pure arrogance incarnate. You don't even speak for America. You show utter contempt for other cultures. The epitomy of the bigotry you CLAIM to be against. And yet incredibly you think the whole World can learn from you. Yet most of the World would LAUGH at you! Sad and UTTERLY delusional again Karen! Sorry to disappoint you and your militancy. But I've always had these options, since I was 18 at college:- 1)a girlfriend 2)a housekeeper 3)mix of the above, with a cleaner + eating out. I wonder what a state your house is in. Bearing in mind cleaning is probably "far to sexist" for you to do. I bet "house-hubbie" (if you ever got one!) is probably locked in a basement, wearing one of your dresses while you scream and shout at a bunch of builders you have working for you (well can't have a "girly" job!!) Do you repair your car BTW? Move heavy furniture, build your house? NO you have someone do it. Don't be such a hypocrit. And FTR I work long hours. What I do with them isn't any of your militant business! OK. I notice you all swerve the facts on people with low testosterone too. This thread is disturbing, so I'll pass on continuing arguing white is white +black is black. I'll leave the men haters to burn old copies of FHM, or whatever it is you do while the hubbie(?) is chained to the kitchen sink. Incredible how people gloss over the fact (in my links!) these pollutants are causing cancers, and sterility and sex organ birth defects. Is that "winning the sex war"? But hey who cares if it means you can grow a beard and have your (ahem) man convinced he should be breast feeding as a "stay at home mom". Overly emotion response to logical arguments from me? Oooh perish the thought...!LOL
America is frankly diseased, as are other Western countries, thanks to the pollutants mentioned in the links.. The above that you mention is a disease just like cancer, sterility, feminised males, masculinised females and birth defects. But the maniacs ie emissaries of arch satan Hillary +the like celebrate it all. Corruption and collusion smashing all common sense and reason. "Strange times" is almost an understatement.
I only hear that kind of talk from people who are unemployed, such as my mother-in-law. Everybody in the business world got over it a long time ago. Maybe you should look for a forum where only men can be moderators. I voted for Sanders. I was also thinking about France, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, and Norway. That's not meant to be a complete list. If we were all in the same room, he would punch you in the face for saying that. Seriously. Has someone appointed you to speak for the UK? But your bi husband doesn't feel that way. True? I'm not around any guys who are openly bi, so I can't comment from personal experience.