as far as I can tell, I don't think there any humans on the earth that do not lie. ever wonder why this is?
I think other animals lie too just in different ways. Like when my dog doesn't sit when I ask him to. We both know he heard me, his body language and ears tell me he heard me, but he's going to pretend he didn't hear me. Usually when he's interested in something other than me. I think he's lying at that point. Or when he makes a little movement after being called and you watch him take that step and movement only to shrug it off like he never heard you. Might be a different type of cunningness but I think it comes from the same of group as lying. He's still being decieving. As for humans, well you know my whacko beliefs about gods and our creators but in the really old scripts well before Christianity when our makers came from out of space, there were a lot of lies. Lies between lovers, family, Kings and race. I don't see why, since we fashioned to look like our makers, why we wouldn't develop their emotions and communication protocols and status. We lie because they lie.
Deception and misrepresentation of facts is just as crucial a part of communication as any other. Most lying has to do with creating or shoring up a preferable image of the self. It's as much lying to oneself as it is lying to other people.
i don't think the comatose are really capable of deception. although if you want to be a dick you could say all they do is lie around all day.
Lying gives me a lot of anixety, so I rather be honest. But, it sucks being honest. Like sucks fucking smelly ass. By the way, just because I'm honest due to lying giving me anixety doesn't mean I never lied. I mean how do I know that it gives me anixety? It's because I have lied before.
Are there different types of lies? Are there good and bad lies? Sometimes we lie for good reasons, sometimes bad! But yes, everyone at sometime, has lied.. Father Christmas..Tooth fairy..Lies, but are they bad?
I'm sure with all the stupid seasons and series they made of Star Trek someone could easily find hypocrisies from Spock.
The !Kung of South Africa have no words for greed or guilt and, before the white man came, its estimated they had perhaps one serious theft, murder, or rape every four hundred years. There was also a similar tribe in the pacific which other tribes avoided as magicians until WWII broke out and their way of life was disrupted by military personnel recruiting them as spotters and giving them things like binoculars. In other words, their used to be some people who almost never lied, but the liars have corrupted them. Whether anymore still exist is difficult to say since, of the countless tribes that existed, only a tiny fraction remain and lying appears to be civilization's forte.
because pretending to know usually seems simpler then reality, and there's this knee jerk of the ego against allowing ourselves to look bad. there are several distinctions that can be made however. not everyone goes out of their way to deceive deliberately, and not every everyone who does that, imagines themselves to be living in the world of their deceptions. there's another thing that encourages us to deceive ourselves and each other, and i'm sorry to say it, but that includes expectations, many of which come from belief. we tell each other and our children to expect certain things, to believe certain things, and when what we can observe doesn't fit what we've been convinced to believe, we try to make reality fit our expectations, instead of adjusting them to more closely follow what we can observe to be more likely.
I think everyone lies but I also think there are degrees in doing so. An omission is often just as bad as an outright lie. There are also what I consider white lies that do no harm and are actually not malicious in nature.
No and we start at a very young age: According to the developmental model of lying children around the age of two to three years begin by telling primary lies which are designed to conceal transgressions but fail to take the mental state of the listener into consideration. Around the age of four, children learn to tell secondary lies which are more plausible and geared to the listener's mental development. By age seven or eight, children learn to tell tertiary lies which are more consistent with known facts and follow-up statements. Hotwater