Are my babies just really strong or is it just me?

Discussion in 'Magic Mushrooms' started by Strawberry_Fields_Fo, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. Strawberry_Fields_Fo

    Strawberry_Fields_Fo RN

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    So, I just had my first flush of my first grow yesterday! (My birthday, no less. A wonderful bday present from the universe!)

    I was expecting them to take longer to flush, and I was waiting for the veil to start tearing, thinking it would be gradual, but they just went from closed head to wide open cap in less than a day! So, I ended up harvesting them a little past their prime, or at least that's what I've heard. This morning, we picked some off and weighed them, knowing the dose would be sketchy because they weren't dried. We only had 1.8g of MOSTLY FRESH mushys, so I wasn't expecting much as it could've been as low as 0.18g dried equivalent. Well, I didn't have any visuals, and mostly it just felt like a really good, really strong Indica high. But it was still significantly stronger than I was expecting. I've heard of people doing 0.5g dried and not feeling anything.

    It's possible that they're drier than I thought they'd be, but they're pretty rubbery and not at all near cracker dry. I'm planning on drying the rest before I have more to ensure proper dosing when I take my stronger trip, but I'm just wondering if 1.8g fresh is normally that significant, or if it's possible mine are stronger than others.

    They're P Cubensis, grown under pretty ideal conditions. I should probably mention that I've never done them before and I only weigh about 100lbs. My friend that did it with me is probably 50lbs heavier but said he felt the same way I did.

    Do fresh mushrooms hit you sooner/harder than dried? I was planning on having this low dose first and then doing an eighth, but if they're this strong on such a low dose while fresh, I'm staying the hell away from an eighth dried! Not that it wasn't enjoyable, but damn! I respect mushrooms even more now!

    I'm not trying for a heroic dose, as I feel that's my ego talking, but at some point I would like to experience ego death. Just looking for some insight on the experienced differences of fresh vs dried.
  2. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    can't really answer your question, as i've never eaten fresh mushrooms.

    but i would dry them properly, and then eat 1.5-2 grams to gauge their potency, before eating a whole eighth.

    if your babies are really strong, then 2 grams might be all you need for a strong trip.
  3. Grainpsilo

    Grainpsilo Member

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    Some people are more sensitive to mushrooms ( i know I am)... I have also had friends that need 7 grams dried just to feel anything at all and sometimes that doesn't do anything for them.

    I ate 1/4 of a gram dried yesterday and def felt something..... Like a background buzz and a energized twitchy feeling.

    Also fresh are usually more potent.
  4. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Everyone thinks their kids are special.
  5. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    I like fresh mushy better than dried.. those little dried bits in the teeth, :(

    fresh give you the smurf mouth.. :)
  6. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    turn blue?
  7. deleted

    deleted Visitor

  8. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Some people that look like me grow cyanescens outdoors, fruiting in oct/nov. Sufficient supply for the season. Fed yearly patches last indefinitely. Psylocibin being water soluble I leach dried mushrooms in warm water and discard the body. Part of my trip out here is tripping with curious folks.

    Stametz just posted a job at his warehouse and it made my mouth water but i am involved applying myself in other ways.

    From what I understand someone has azure syringes and they are primary and secondary decomposers of wood and thrive in the same conditions as cyans. azurescens being by a large magnitude more potent than any known.
  9. Grainpsilo

    Grainpsilo Member

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    That is why i dry them up , grind them up and pack them into capsules.

    No taste.... Nothing stuck in my teeth and because they are ground into flour they digest and hit fast and hard
  10. Grainpsilo

    Grainpsilo Member

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    The sec i move to an area with the proper climate i am starting a azure bed the size of kansas
  11. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    blue honey.. my fav.
  12. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    It really reduces the nausea too. I personally hate chewing mushrooms. Even when I put them on peanut butter and bread or something to hide them I always know they are there. But I know people who can eat them on their own like they are chips.

    Fresh mushrooms can be more intense. It could be thought of as a more traditional mushroom experience. I mean when you found mushrooms in the old days. They were probably picked from the earth very recently compared to the mushrooms that have been sitting in the modern users house for 2 months and dealer's hands who knows how long before that.

    Water weight will be allot of their weight, but sometimes the math on that doesn't add up. Like you will figure that water is 90% of the current weight so you take 10 g expecting 1 g dry and somehow you have a trip that goes beyond what a gram would be. I have had some intense trips on fresh.
  13. Ol' Zeus

    Ol' Zeus Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Congrats on the first flush! That's always the most exciting time. As far as fresh potency, one thing is for sure. They never get more potent than they are when first picked. That being said, the potency from flush to flush or even cluster to cluster can vary significantly.
  14. Grainpsilo

    Grainpsilo Member

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    I can't stand the taste and it stays with you for a while...epsecially when you burp.

    Like eating old musty dried leaves.

    Ive tried many methods and capsules are by far the best...... Keeps them potent as well because you pack them tight so it limits air exposure and the capsules are water loving so they suck up every bit of left over moisture in the mushrroms keeping them bone dry.

    I have capsules that are 5 years old that will still knock your socks off.
  15. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Do you macerate the mushroom in honey or dip and chomp?

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