anything you want to do to your partner- but scared to ask

Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by peediedj, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. peediedj

    peediedj Guest

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    theres numerous sexual things i want to do with the wife but iam scared to ask for a few reasons

    Film us having doggie - (scared incase she thinks i,ll put it online)

    Take photos of her in undies and stripping of - (scared in case she thinks i,ll show to friends)

    anal- we half tried it and shes made it very clear not to touch there again

    cane her - shes let me spank her dress up as a school girl but that it,she doesnt like pain so think this is out

    cum in her mouth - last had a blow job 4 years ago thing it will be lucky to geta blowjob again let alone cum in her mouth

    watch porn with her - is quite prude so will probably think iam a pervert

    there is other things lso but thats enough for now
  2. enhancer13

    enhancer13 Senior Member

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    We tell each other all of our fantasy's no matter how peverted they are! Doesn't mean we will actually make them all happen. I would not want to be with someone I could not be myself with or someone who was uptight about sexual activitys. Been there and it sucks.

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    6+,? It seems there is quite a degree of pent up frustration here, -(whatever happened to the old fashioned Communication?) if you don't ask you won't know, (and maybe she has ideas of her own?)
    What's the alternative = Don't ask, Don't know
  4. silk896

    silk896 Member

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    I've had a number of partners in my life. I'm not that pushy type, but I will take risks if asked.
    It was more a case of them wanting me to do things

    ................. most of which I did!!!!!!!!!!!! I still do quite a few of them.
  5. FitGuy87

    FitGuy87 Member

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    Same here.

    We have made most of them happen though, with the exception of the fantasies that involve other people participating.
  6. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    We tell each other what we want to do. It doesn't mean it always happens but most of time we'll try it to see if we both like it apart from including other people. Most of the time we both enjoy anything the other one wants to try.
  7. Oelrob

    Oelrob Senior Member

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    Not really scared to tell her, but she thinks it's a little silly. I want to spend a long time just completely worshiping her body. She lets me do this for a few minutes as foreplay, but I'm talking about an extended session, maybe an hour or more. This involves eating her pussy for multiple orgasms, of course, but also everywhere else....her ass, her nipples, her feet, her arms, her legs, her back, her neck, everywhere. It's not really as submissive thing, as she's not ordering me to do it. But it is an expression of total devotion, and she thinks it's weird.
    YouCanTrustMe likes this.
  8. Barry Mandelay

    Barry Mandelay Banned

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    It wouldn't be weird if you were to give her a full body massage. You would have to wait for the right time say, after working out at the gym or gardening all day. A little pampering to start with such as offering to draw her a relaxing bath might go a long way. She may not go for that but you could approach it from another angle. Ask how she feels after her long day while giving her a shoulder rub. If she is receptive to this offer to massage her and have her lie on the bed undressed to her comfort level. She may only go down to bra and panties but it's a start. In a sense you are worshiping her body just unbeknownst to her. From there take the opportunity to remove clothing one piece at a time with the excuse of having to gain access in order to do a good job. If you work it right with low lighting, soft music, and a soft but firm touch she will be melting in your hands. From there I'll let you figure out what to do next. I do know if you get this far it is inevitable your wish will come true and there will be repeat sessions.
    Oelrob and YouCanTrustMe like this.
  9. la Principessa

    la Principessa Member since '08

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    We always tell each other out fantasies. I can't think of any I'd be afraid to ask her about.
    Tallguy38 likes this.
  10. Oelrob

    Oelrob Senior Member

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    Sounds good, but it's hard to get that far. We've done this before and after about ten minutes she is like "OK, now fuck me!" Which I do, and it is a very good thing. But it doesn't give me the chance to pay her the lengthy tribute that I would like. BTW, this is not a new relationship. We're together 20 years, married 18.
  11. Panama Jack

    Panama Jack Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Actually, this is a good question to discuss. I think in the beginning of a relationship, you are both exploring each other’s sexual boundaries. Then, as it progresses you should be comfortable to discuss fantasies and to fulfill real obtainable sexual needs without reproach. As long as it is safe and causes no harm or jealousy.
    I think that many couples get in a sex rut because they leave sexual desires locked away in a closet. That’s oppression. My wife and I are a senior couple and discuss sex daily. After many years of marriage, we still ask questions and are open to each opinion. You should be able to have an open sex discussion with your trusted partner. My opinion is there is nothing weird about discussing your desires openly.
    Slutty Sue likes this.
  12. Barry Mandelay

    Barry Mandelay Banned

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    An opportunity presents itself after 10 minutes whereby you can take the lead and prolong the inevitable. Suggest to her to lie there and accept the massage until you are ready even if you are already. Keep yourself clothed and under control. Refuse to change the plan you have laid out for the session. The ensuing massage becoming more sensual leads to a better build up. You get to continue to enjoy her body, drive her crazier, maximizing the pleasure for the both of you. It is you to maintain control over her at this point. You get to worship her body, mind, and soul while keeping her from taking over and initiating sexual intercourse. After 20 years with your partner you should be able to sway her to let you continue what you planned to do. What's her hurry? What's yours? Calm her down, massage an area that is no so erotic, and take your time. Bring her up and then slow it down again. After an hour of this when the real sex begins you should have her thrashing all over the place as well as yourself. I submit you may have to have the bed repaired at the end. By the way, been there, done it, but we were to worn out to get tee shirts after it was all over.
    Deejay88 likes this.
  13. Slutty Sue

    Slutty Sue Visitor

    Absolutely nothing I cant ask my hubby & theres nothing he cant ask me. Fuck theres a good chance I'll love it
    YouCanTrustMe and Tallguy38 like this.
  14. Tallguy38

    Tallguy38 Visitor

    Your hubby is incredibly lucky!
  15. Slutty Sue

    Slutty Sue Visitor

    We both are extremely lucky to have each other. A few days ago after his normal morning blow job I cuddled up into him we shared an incredibly hot & sexy french kiss, & I knew he could taste his cum on my breath & that doesn't bother him one bit, in fact he loves tasting his own cum.
    YouCanTrustMe, AnyaZ89 and Tallguy38 like this.
  16. Tallguy38

    Tallguy38 Visitor

    That’s the best way to finish a blow job!
    YouCanTrustMe likes this.
  17. Just for fun

    Just for fun Live your best life

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    IMO communication issues are the main cause of break ups. Gotta work on it amigo.

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