I don't think there's enough "plastic" to fix that level of ignorance. In general, tats are quite often associated with low intelligence, lack of foresight and self-control, as well as promiscuity and STD's, regardless of age or gender.
Says more about society then him if a job overlooks a qualified person for such trivial things as fashion. I don't have any tattoos anymore and I still think that. Ok boomer
Not a problem. I posted that same info on facebook and got dunked by some friends....from church! It was hilarious. I thought they'd get a kick out of it. I think they misread it, though. Tats are "ASSOCIATED with...." but not "cut-in-stone" indicators of those things. While I don't like them anymore than short hair on women, I have met some interesting people with both. That said, if you need that much fashion, you might want to consider working somewhere it's not a distraction. Everyone is entitled to have and express their fashions or opinions, but nobody is entitled to make another live with them.
what i'd want to look like is my icon over there to the left, not like anything like all that sickly pale skin, no matter how much ink or piercings. i want the pointy ears and a furry tail with actual you know, like muscle control of it, retractable claws for climbing and finer manipulation then what fingers can to, would be nice too. but i'd want to live in a world where people look all different ways because they could design their own genome. not cosmetic but custom genetic, everyone their own odd unique individual species. but fur, all fur, no naked skin at all. i believe in the goodness of strangeness, not in the goodness of wishing to be feared, and to me, creative expression doesn't appear to be his primary objective, not with the mundaneness of the few otherwise creative touches in among all that.
The problem I see is not with this guy but society in general . Society is too judgemental and quick to ridicule or criticise if someone decides to be different . Thats why we are surrounded by plenty of prejudice . Shame on you
Sadly, most of these extremists have had something very bad happen to them that they are dealing with mentally.