I recently found out about this Herbalife- supplements. I usually dont believe these are good for ur body i'm using only vitamins 3-4 days a week. But im not sure why am i getting strange feeling this could be really good according to reviews..? And also did anyone lose weight using herbailfe?? <edit>
MY step mother used this or a similar product and it hospitalised her with dangerously low blood pressure. It's not popular, but to lose weight you just need to reduce your calorie intake a bit and take more exercise rather than hoping for a magic pill. Weight gain takes a long time to it will take a long time to lose it too. BTW, I glanced at your profile and your photo didn't seem to indicate you had any weight problem. I hope there's not something else going on rather than genuine sensible weight loss. (Jeez I sound preachy.. sorry)
I don't know the stuff. But I do think optimised nutrition is very important for fitness/health and stuff. Depending on what your objective is. The reviews might be extra good because it looks like a MLM thing ie reviews by salesmen. Generally people who do exercise and take protein supplements like this will lean up. So.. its probably effective. But lots of other options exist too.
I'll be using this only time after time, after workout, when im in hurry for making whole breakfast. I was asking about weight loss for my friend and I know no diets really work if u dont change lifestyle and what food means to you emotional eating/pleasure or a source to grow,function and sometimes sure enjoy. but thank you
I think the best way to lean up is the Fast Diet. Basically eating v little 2 days a week, the other days normal. But having a reasonable amount of protein on the 2 diet days. Strangest thing is, for years the so called experts would say "ahhh you shouldn't miss meals". Which is basically what the Fast Diet does. Weird.....
its hard fitting the right amount of protein,carbs etc in youre meals if youre not nutricionist and not becoming obsessed with counting calories. i mean its fucked, but if you have a shake prepared that should contain everything you need (like they are saying) and you get it from there its not that wrong?
After I wrote my post I went an looked at the link - not the same thing I was thinking about. I didn't realise this was a nutrition drink rather than a magic pill. Actually I think my cousin may be flogging it in the UK - but I might have the wrong product again!
Herbalife is an MLM thing. I used to sell it in high school years ago (had to have my mom get on board because I was under 18). I don't think there is anything special about it at all. As far as weight loss....there is exactly one way and one way only to lose weight. I don't care what diet you're on, what magic pills are available, etc. The only way that you lose weight is for lean muscle to eat/burn body fat. Almost every single diet and exercise program out there is wrong...dead wrong...about what works. That's why there are so many people who try so hard only to not see much for results. They are doing the opposite of what works. A show of hands....how many people here have done cardio until they thought they were going to die...and didn't see results? How many have tried different diets or those dance classes, etc? Here's a simple test you can do yourself before I say anymore. You can go to your gym, go to the cardio room and look around, check out those dance classes or low impact exercise classes. You will see a lot of out of shape people who look like they are about to pass out. You can't blame them. They're trying. Then go to the weight room and look around. You will find the leanest, most cut and in shape people in the entire gym. I guarantee it. They have plenty of lean muscle to burn fat and they eat properly. Doing too much cardio is counter productive because it can actually eat at the muscles you need to burn fat. 30-40 minutes/week of cardio is fine. Here's another point....most of the fat you will burn from any workout doesn't burn during the workout. It burns in you "after burn" which means after you're done. Cardio after burn only lasts for 2-3 hours. The after burn from weight lifting, circuit training, etc lasts 24-36 hours. So you're burning even while you're asleep. This brings me to the last part. Diet. No matter what you do...doesn't matter if you hit the gym every day....diet is most of the equation. Those processed food program diet meals? Garbage. Obviously, you should stay away from processed foods, fast foods, sodas and junk food. But the other part is that you need to eat 6 times a day. That seems counterproductive but it isn't. You don't have to eat 6 full meals. You want to eat different portions throughout the day to keep your metabolism increased. Eat things with protein and drink lots of water. Keeping your metabolism up keeps your body turning protein into lean muscle...which will get rid of more fat. Plus, lean muscle burns 3 or 4 times as much calories as fat does. Sorry if that was off topic or too long. It's something near and dear to me. I have much more to say on the subject. If anyone wants to PM me about this once I reach 100 posts...I'd be happy to talk privately about what you have been and should be doing.
No there's nothing wrong with meal replacements. But you can learn to assess normal foods pretty quickly. You don't have to estimate exactly, just approximately. After all, the ultimate issue is the results, not the amounts of xyz you eat. Thats what I find with protein and weight training etc. But just to check, in your case, you really don't want to lose any weight at all. : )
And also....it doesn't really matter which brand of shake you use for the most part. Do waste money on the ones that are super loaded with protein. Your body can only process about 24-26 grams of protein at a time anyway. Taking in more is a waste. It just passes through you.
the amount is ofcourse very important for later results. bodys are different and our diets should also depend on our lifes, how active do we live and stuff like that. i believe you have to find whats the best for you and than keep doing it, your meal plan is good for you but bad for someone else. and no, im not trying to loose weight, that was for my friend no worrys!
I've always found a bit of calorie restriction eg the Fast Diet, with some protein drinks works well. Then high rep exercises, followed by a bit of cardio. Some people seem to go wrong by:- 1)mountains of exercise, then eating more or 2)missing out on protein, losing muscle mass and then looking gaunt and soft, rather than firm and lean.
Yes. You are very right. Also, don't ignore fats. They're essential for skin, hair even the brain and memory. Also experimenting with different stuff is good. For instance, Novak Djokovic only became a brilliant tennis player after he stopped eating glutens. I wanted to check hehe : ) I remember a girl on here, she was a typical Bulgarian ie super thin, all abs etc. And she was convinced she was "fat" and needed to stop eating chicken .. : )
I always mix my reps up. One day I'll do low reps, heavy...where I'm going to max out at 6 or 8 reps (x3 or 4), then the next I'll go with high reps or drop sets. I usually do circuit training twice a week and 3 days a week in the weight room.Most people may not have that much time but I do so what the hell...I enjoy it and my gym is one block from my house. I've never had a weight problem but I'm 38, still have "6 pack" abs and can still hang with or exceed 18-20 yr olds in circuit training. :afro:
Makes sense to mix it up like that!:2thumbsup: I do a bit of gym work. And I like those heavy duty band things to. Sometimes I do sprinting (eg the Summer) or play football. But probably my big passion is martial arts. But I like to rotate my focus, not overdo it. Definitely age doesn't need to be a barrier. There's guys at my gym who are mid 60s and look terrific (no homo : ) And martial arts guys in their 80s or more who have incredible skills.
Not to threadjack but what kind of martial arts? I did that myself for a long time but I've been out of it for maybe 3 years.
I heard Jiu-Jitsu is one of the best martial arts that keeps youre body looking young&fit but also very functional Please dont go off topiccc i still want someone who was taking or is taking herbalife thanks