Anyone used to never go barefoot?

Discussion in 'Barefoot' started by Alina852, Mar 9, 2023.

  1. Alina852

    Alina852 Newbie

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    Curious how many people here were foot shy when they were younger. I definitely was. I basically only went barefoot when in the shower and that was it. I even slept with socks lol.

    But in the last 8 or so years since moving to Australia I've really changed so much (not just in terms of going barefoot, i also realized I am a lesbian but that's another story). Maybe it's just cus of the warmer weather but I started going barefoot almost immediately after I moved. Not alot at first but especially after I started college and was away from my parents.

    Last month I moved apartments and when packing up all my stuff I decided to leave most of my footwear behind. All my winter boots and all that stuff that I don't even know why I had to begin with. Most of my closed toe shoes and all of my socks. I was going to just throw them all out but my old landlord said she could keep them if I didn't want them anymore.

    My gf likes to go barefoot too I think that was a big influence on me too.

    Anyway, anyone else here used to not go barefoot before and do it all the time now?
  2. Nudegardner

    Nudegardner Members

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    When I was younger I was very self concious about my feet,toe rings,tats and nail polish kinda fixed that!
    Barefoot Rick likes this.
  3. M_Ranko

    M_Ranko Straight edge xXx

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    Yeah, that used to be me. I regret it now, and have wished that I could go back to change it, but time travel is yet to be invented, so...

    But I've changed now. So much so that I even do more or less brief barefoot outings in the snow as well. Trying to make up for lost time and not letting even the winter stop me. I originally gave bare feet a chance, when I needed to cure a fungal infection, and discovered that giving my feet straight up snow baths in winter weather helped quite a bit.

    Wish I could do this. Their weather is basically made for bare feet.

    I also wish that I could have company like this.
    Barefoot Rick likes this.
  4. Barefoot-boy

    Barefoot-boy Member

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    Yes, me too. I had a MAJOR case of foot shyness, many many years, though it didn't start to get better until my mid 20's. As a teen I thought I was just plain weird for having such an affliction but it's so refreshing to read these stories time after time. Most often it's usually males who find themselves covering up their feet rather than females I'm relieved that I'm not alone here.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2023
  5. Nudegardner

    Nudegardner Members

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    I wonder why we were self concious about our feet? Never was at a pool,or water slides etc.
    Barefoot Rick likes this.
  6. Barefoot-boy

    Barefoot-boy Member

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    I believe it all comes down to attitudes, our feet get a lot of bum raps. Many individuals have deformities that contribute to feelings that their feet are ugly, unattractive which in turn should be hidden from view. Some pick up the views your parents once held as some children are shamed for going barefoot outside and told firmly put their shoes back on. Adults carry over the thought from childhood that bare feet are inherently dangerous. Perhaps you lived in a cold climate which required your feet to be covered up most of the year and be that as it may once might feel some embarrassment once the warmer weather returns. Finally, feet are often sexualized creating the illusion of them being private parts.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2023
    Barefoot Rick and Nudegardner like this.
  7. M_Ranko

    M_Ranko Straight edge xXx

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    20 years ago it would have been unfathomable for me to even think about walking on snow in my bare feet. And yet, here I am now.
  8. JustTyler

    JustTyler Members

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    I know where I grew up it wasn't/isn't seen as masculine. Showing your feet is a sign of weakness. My soldiers have made comments that if you are a dude and willingly show your feet, you automatically lose. Whatever that means... I am over here like yea tell that to any mma fighter or martial artists. I was always foot shy, socks never came off unless taking a shower or swimming. I secretly hated it, but was extremely self conscious of them. (dig up my first post on this forum and read my story lol). I am not a barefooter like everyone here. I don't go out to stores and such barefoot. I do envy ya'll though. This forum helped me overcome my foot shyness years ago. I wear sandals in public. Flip Flops were a ginormous stepping stone for me. I am getting better and better though thanks to this forum. My parents live with me and around the house I barefoot 24/7 minus mowing the lawn or working on the jeep. But yea, there is my input lol.
  9. Barefoot-boy

    Barefoot-boy Member

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    Here's a twist to this topic. Did your parents do anything to help rid yourself of your foot shyness?

    My parents knew about it but did nothing, guess it wasn't an issue.
  10. JustTyler

    JustTyler Members

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    My parents did not. Because they didn't know I was foot shy. They just thought I liked wearing socks all the time, which is what I wanted them to believe. I was also too young to understand what a fetish/obsession was, but even as a little kid I was always looking at girls feet and as I got into my teen years thats when I figured it out. I wish I wasn't shy though/embarassed though, probably would of had that much better of a childhood. My mom was always barefoot. Which funny enough recently I told her I was foot shy and she said she was too when she was a teen, even early 20s, then one day she just said screw it and got a pair of flops, and the rest was history. Following in her foot steps no pun intended Lol
    Barefoot Rick likes this.
  11. Barefoot-boy

    Barefoot-boy Member

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    Yea, exactly felt the same way .
    Barefoot Rick likes this.
  12. RT19

    RT19 Members

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    My mother and grandmother often fondly (well probably not so fondly) tell me tales of how I was always funny about my feet as a young boy and how I hated anyone or anything touching them. They always had a nightmare getting my feet into shoes and absolutely dreaded whenever they needed to take me to a shoe shop. Guess I was born to be barefoot..
    BarefootedInTN and Barefoot Rick like this.
  13. Barefoot Scout

    Barefoot Scout Members

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    I was extremely foot shy as a kid. I suppose it was a sort of coping mechanism since I realized very early on that I found feet to be quite attractive, so I acted in the completely opposite manner of what I felt deep inside of me. I had the same thing happen in regards to my religion and sexuality - as I grew older and more self-confident, I began to find out who I really was and that my inner inhibitions and self-doubt were preventing me from making the lifestyle choices I trully desired!

    So began my conversion from a boy who wouldn't be seen dead walking outdoors without a pair of sneakers on to a guy who happily pranced barefoot around muddy fields and pastures dotted with fresh cow pats! If only young me could see what I'd be like one day...
    My parents were generally indifferent, but I recall one time when I was around eight or nine years old and my mom asked me if I wanted a pair of sandals for the summer. Absolutely not, I said, since at that time I couldn't fathom ever wearing sandals in public - I felt so afraid of showing off my feet, even though I secretly yearned for a chance to replace my sneakers with sandals!

    Back then, I'd feel a bit awkward even when I had to take my shoes off at my friends' houses and walk around in my socked feet... it took me a couple of years before I found enough courage to start wearing open-toe shoes in public and experiment by walking short distances barefoot, far away from prying eyes.
  14. Footshy

    Footshy Newbie

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    I am still very footshy but last girlfriend almost broke me of it. I told her up front my feet were off limits. Only when showering. She wanted to see my feet so bad. I wasn’t like the others who were ashamed. First I have nice looking soft smooth but deathly ticklish feet for a man. Women always tried to take my socks off and I resisted. Well since I prefer larger women, my last GF after 2 years couldn’t take it anymore. Being twice my size, she learned she had that advantage. One night after a long work day. She was able to take my shoes and socks off against my will. I put up a big fight but lost for the first time ever. She locked them up in her safe. I couldn’t leave, she had control over me. I was angry at first, but found it a turn on that she won & once barefooted from wingtips and tight dress socks, it felt so dam good. I realized I kept my socks on all the time because I thought my feet were too sexy that no one deserved to see. Also being barefoot made me more vulnerable than any thing else, especially since my feet are so ticklish. She was able to take an alpha, macho male to a big baby in 15 seconds. I realize tickling is pleasure for some but for me it is hell. She told me that I was going straight to hell & fire will torture soles of my feet for eternity because I arrogantly kept them from everyone. Ever night after for 2 years she took my shoes, socks off sometimes I was asleep. I was almost over my fear. She died a couple of years ago. Can’t find another women into feet. I would marry one sight unseen as I don’t care about looks. Having a woman obsessed with my feet is most important now. I don’t know how to find one. I even posted a roommate ad, any woman could stay rent free as long as she wanted a hot guy late 30’s. I don’t care if she is obese or considered ugly, crazy, but no one serious
  15. Barefoot-boy

    Barefoot-boy Member

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    You and I have very similar experiences. Likewise I was extremely foot shy. At 15 I had a girlfriend who loved to go barefoot and would remove my shoes and socks many times. Every instance I was sooo embarrassed but found the feeling of her hands going up my ankles and removing my socks. At the same time I found it incredibly sexy. I can recall on time she wouldn't give them back, she eventually caved. I don't know what I would have to my mother why I came back home in my bare feet. To make a long story short, she was a tremendous help in ridding of myself of foot shyness.
    BarefootedInTN and Barefoot Rick like this.
  16. M_Ranko

    M_Ranko Straight edge xXx

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    Not me, man. I was all alone with this and had to find my own way. I kinda envy you for having such support.
    Barefoot Rick likes this.
  17. Barefoot-boy

    Barefoot-boy Member

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    Well believe it or not while I had help, I still struggled until my mid to later 20's. I get confident over the summer and relapse over the winter. I discovered many do it yourself methods. Many unexpected sticky situations, best I rid myself of this surprisingly common affliction. It's somewhat hard to live with at times.
    Last edited: May 6, 2023
    Barefoot Rick likes this.
  18. BarefootedInTN

    BarefootedInTN Members

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    I always wore shoes and socks as a kid. Even in the middle of summer. Although I admired and envied kids and hippies who went barefooted, I never did, until one summer day when I decided I'd had enough. I untied and kicked off my sneakers, and then yanked off my socks. It felt so good! I loved walking in grass, dirt, sand, tile floor, and most any surface. Years later, I still love being barefooted every minute I can. Choosing to go barefooted is one of the best decisions I've ever made!
  19. Barefoot Rick

    Barefoot Rick I love my dirty bare feet

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    I know what you mean barefootedin Tn I started going barefoot my first year of Junior high every chance I got and in the summer I went barefoot everywhere and even when school started I would take off my shoes in class. I never Wore socks until the winter time. But even then I would go barefoot in gym class the coaches didn’t mind . But now I’m barefoot all year around I mow my lawn barefoot and in the winter I remove snow barefoot it’s a awesome lifestyle.
    Barefoot-boy and BarefootedInTN like this.
  20. BarefootedInTN

    BarefootedInTN Members

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    Once I starte
    Once I started, I couldn't tolerate shoes or socks for very long. I'm still that way when I have to wear them for my job.
    riverman18 and Barefoot Rick like this.

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