I have siblings in Orlando, Jacksonville, and near Tampa. Basically, every major city in FLA. That isn't Miami...
I've never been there but I know of it. When I was there I went to that huge discount bookstore. I can't remember the name but it was like a three or four story warehouse. I don't recall of the books were preowned or not, but they were cheap. I got something like 10 books for $30. We also went to Astoria and Cannon Beach because we loved The Goonies
Hell yeah, Powell's bookstore! Love that place. Haven't been to Astoria. Oh and Moonstruck Chocolate. Plus there's a shit load of hippies.
And they're not all peaceful LOL I met this girl who was ready to fight me because I said I preferred the Beach Boys to the Beatles. I was surprised at the aggression. My friend's husband works at OMSI. I got a free day there too. It was cool. Meanwhile, half my family is scattered all over Florida and I've been there once...when I was 5...to go to Disneyworld. Now my youngest brother works at Disney
When I lived in Portland, not too many locals I knew ate at that Voodoo donuts tourist trap. I lived in a high rise apartment right above Stark Street, where they had Pride.
Lol, no, I don't live in Amerika. I live far away in Bavarian Alps. I just know places in Amerika due to personal interests, so when I see someone say a state and I've been there and know things, I just say random things lol. Can't help it. If I say a random thing and someone picks up on it and we can talk about it, then I like that. I'll be in Daytona Beach one day or another, gotta watch a Daytona 500.
Portland sounds very boring. I mean just the name. If someone asked me to name a town and give it the most boring name I could think of 'Portland' would make the final cut. Along with Broccoliville and Cleveland