hey I was wondering where all you guys are... is there by any chance you, yes, you the one reading this, into prog rock? if you like bands like gentle giant, king Crimson, Yes, Camel, Quatermass, Rush etc etc, give us your two pence and lets start posting on the new hipforums. it feels so nice but yet so empty... :'( c'mon let's get back to the diverse community we used to be!!! PS: christening the music forums, mum would be so proud
I like prog rock. My favorite pro bands are: Genesis, Radiohead, Jethro Tull (on "A Passion Play"), Frank Zappa (on "Hot Rats"), Ars Nova (from Japan), Alias Eye (from Germany) and many more. I go to the a show of "The Musical Box" tonight.
I like some prog rock, but i have to be in the mood for most of it. Some music named in this topic i like very much, like Rush or the King Crimson albums i know. Frank Zappa is fantastic, and i also love Jethro Tull, but not especially for the prog elements, but more the folk rock parts.
I like some prog rock, like Zappa, Rush, Blue Oyster Cult, and Jethro Tull. There are some prog rock bands I just can't get into though, like Yes or Genesis.
Who doesn't like Rush, Genesis, Blue Oyster Cult, and Jethro Tull? I actually get made fun of at school for listening to them. People call me a hippie, how dare them! (sarcasm of course). Anyway, I really hated Dream Theater for the longest time because my boyfriend listened to it ALL-THE-TIME and he introduced it to me. After we broke up I was able to listen to it at my liking, and it's worth listening to.
Does anyone here knows Ayreon? It's dutch prog rock and i recommend it highly to prog rocklovers. Try the album Into the electric castle
anybody who likes tool, les claypool, nine inch nails... any of that industrial stuff you hear today, has to give it up to the prog rock. if it wasnt for king crimson, none of that would be here today. personally, i love king crimson and rush, they'd have to be my favs. although, i dunno if ya'll consider David Byrne to be prog, but i absolutely love his solo stuff. sure the Talking Heads were great, and TOm TOm Club is a'ight, but David's album "Look Into The Eyeball" is simply amazing for me. it makes me laugh, cry, get angry, get happy, and makes me wanna play music for the rest of my life. and that's what i look for in a disc
Mogwai have some good progressive tracks they also have some totally mental ones. Check them out. If you see them live make sure you're not tripping and have earplugs cuz they are LOUD. When they came to London last year it was like "We'll show you southern twats what loud music is", I think they broke the brixton academy.
I love prog rock if it's done right. If it's lazy and lacks passion it gets boring, fast. Pink Floyds attempts at prog have always been commendable as have Jetho Tulls. The masters of prog however shall remain Rush, Genesis and Yes. Great stuff right there.
My favorite Progressive bands are Moody Blues, King Crimson, Jethro Tull,Yes, and Frank Zappa. Om Mani Padme Hum, Ben.
I like some more than others, my faves are King Crimson -- Robert Fripp is a genius! Porcupine Tree Rush Jethro Tull Dream Theater (more prog metal, but GREAT musicians) Spock's Beard Aryeon(sp?) Genesis Kings' X Liquid Tension Experiment ...and I 'll agree with you, Funky, David Byrne is a brilliant musical mind